Hondata and ECU Problems??

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Junior Member
I have been having a problem with my ECUs. I have TWO P28 obd1 ECUs with Hondata s200. These are controlling a JDM b18c in my 1991 EX civic.

One is a European P28 with the TA circuitry knocked out (once I figured out that it was a false error code), and the other is ordinary US market version.

The first P28 now gives a solid light for a code but used to give 6 and 43. The motor runs fine in non-VTEC but sputters on x-over to VTEC on gears besides 1st gear. If I take first gear into VTEC and keep it in VTEC there are no problems (except mild idle control issues).

The 2nd ECU with US P28 gives codes 1,2,3,4 and no others and does this even when I disconnect the battery to let it reset.

Any ideas?
No updates to report except that the car runs and engages VTEC - just not quite as "crisp" as I would expect and each P28 still gives the crazy code reading that really does not make sense.

Nobody with history of Hondata problems or experience?
are you sure that both ECU's have the interface box wired properly to the ECU? that's the only thing I can think of. there has to be some issue with the "chipping" process.

or what type of ROM's are you using? what software/hardware to write them?
Did you buy a used Hondata setup that might be damaged?
Yes, I bought both Hondatas from the dealer (InlinePro) in Springfield, Virginia. There is no blinking code at the Hondata blue box and the connections are good to the ECU.

They tell me they are too busy to look now and that it must be with the car, but why would diff. codes show up and the car basically run?

Is the solid light a grounding "code"?
If it was bought and installed by a dealer, it should have zero problems. I'd take it to them and tell them to MAKE TIME, since you spent the money on their services. It's their liability to warranty defects like this. I would almost bet 100% of the problem is the interface.