How much does it take....

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The Trisexual
For you to get drunk?

Its one of those weeks, so it's my turn to make a dumb thread.

I'm on 4 shots and 2 beers and I'm feeling alright and probably done for the night.

:D :D: D:D :D :D
About two years ago, I polished off a whole bottle of Tequila silver in under an hour, slept for 30 minutes, then went out and drank I estimate 15 more shots, I woke up in the middle of the street :)

Unfortunately, I can pound sauce like a champ, but I don't drink much anymore. My brother pointed out that I drank too much in a round about way, by not letting me make him my "One Hitter Quiter" :(
i took a couple more for the im really good

hah, i checked for dexterity. It took me like 4 mins but I did it.
I haven't been drunk in so long.. When I was at the peak of my drinking capacity I would down 12 coronas and 4 whiskey shots before I couldn't drive. Now, if I drink at all I'll have a single bottle of beer, and nothing else. I would say now it would take me 8 beers to get tipsy. I got tipsy one night this summer at a party at my house.

-> Steve
Depends on if i'm drinking liquor or beer.

Beer = 8 beers
Liquor = 6 shots

At least points I can easily drink on, but i'm defenitely drunk.
On a full stomach - five 12 ounce beers before I buzz.
On a semi full/empty - two 12 ounce beers and I'm buzzed.

Thursday night i had 9 beers, 3 shots of whiskey and three cherry shots. All within 4 hours.

Ask BodyDropped, I was fuckin toasted.

Of course I'm not a heavy drinker at all and I'm only 125 lbs. :p
honestly, it'd be a lie to say I've ever drank. Never have, and I probably won't until I'm legally allowed to.
hahahaha 2000si was shit faced!! he was telling me what kinda cars were passing us and i thought he was gonna blow chow in my truck because of how bumpy my truck rides...LOL.
haha! I wasn't going to puke in the slightest. I felt fine, just tired. I fell asleep on my couch watching tv. Never puked at all, I did have a horrid hangover the next day.
oh god... i got a little bit of a hangover.

not drinking till you're legal, that's a first. I can walkinto a liquor store ad buy it without ID. But that's a good thing.
Damn, liquor stores are harsh as fuck here in VA. Some of them require you to have two forms of ID. But guarenteed, everytime you're getting carded.
yea, I tried buying cigarettes at a liquor store down there. They didn't accept my PA license. I just went next door to the Exxon.

Now if someone underage wants to drink legally. Yes it contradicts itself but you can leave the country or go into open waters. I was slamming black and white russians when I was 13 when I went to jamaica. 1.5 hours after we started moving (FL waters) they served me without question. I WAS THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD. That was an interesting cruise. Maybe it wasn't US waters or something, I dunno.
If you are old enough to see over the counter, they will serve you.

More money for them.
They gave me this card for free drinks during the cruise. Any drink, any type. It was an additional $150 option when renting the room. Oh that was well worth it. I don't think I could do that now, I would end up with alcohol poisoning.

Vacation + unlimited alcohol = Dumb shit and me being trashed the ENTIRE time.
1 shot of rum on an empty stomach will get me buzzed
I made a rum and coke about 3 weeks ago but i put about 3 shots in the glass and it made me feel damn good. It would take about 4 to 5 shots to get me real drunk.