Hydro Vs. Cable

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a friend of mine wants to know why his 2000 hydro type r tranny wont work in his 93 ls car, can someone help me better explain this?
beacause the type r tranny uses hydraulic fluid to move the throwout bearing and the 93 tranny uses a cable...

think of it this way...

on a bike, when u hit the brake lever, it uses a cable to activate the brakes but on a car, when u hit the brakes, it doesnt use a cable to tighten the calipers, it uses hydraulic fluid to push and pull "pistons" to get the same effect.
Tell him the 93 GSR tranny is just as good and I hear you can even put the LSD in it from the ITR tranny.
you have to be careful when you swap gears. gears are worn into place, and when you put them in a different transmission they tend to make noise. the type r transmission will not work in a 93 and lower acura becuase they are all cable.
But can you use the gear packages from the ITR tranmission in the Cable bell housing?
pending on how strong ur motor is, will affect how good ur tranny is. i'm running a gsr motor with cable tranny in my 92 integra and it never gives me any problems at the line. also have a act stage 2 cultch helping me out so. Which ever is good if having a good cultch and being a good driver.
so basically what you guys are saying is, it would be pointless to buy a 94-up gsr tranny for my 1990 ls? the car is already set up for a hydro, its a 95 civic dx. i am so confused, some people are telling me no, some are telling me yes.
thanks guys
basically, one is not better than the other.
just get the one that works with your car. in your case, a hydro