I got NITROUS.......

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It's only stupid if it doesn't work
Well sort of. I got some nitrous oxide, then anesthesia, and then I woke up with no wisdom teeth. It's only like 8 hours later and I'm just on tylenol, I feel fine, and I stopped bleeding. They hurt but I'm fine. The biggest problem I have right now is that mac and cheese keeps getting stuck in the holes.
Bah, I got all four yanked with local anesthetic.. I'd rather do that than be put to sleep. The worst part about the whole thing is that giant needle being jammed into the back of your jaw.
ya but it depends on if they cut them out or just pulled them out. little difference in pain. and the doc also cant have you moving around when hes got a blade in your mouth.
I absolutely hate the dentist. I went 11 years without seeing one until recently when I broke a wisdom tooth. I went two months with an exposed nerve.. That was the most horrific pain I've ever experienced in my life.

Anyway, I finally dragged into the dentist and got it yanked. He was like "its going to hurt a little afterwards, take vicodin" So I waited for the pain to come and it never did.. It was a bit uncomfortable, but after being in so much pain for so long, it was a relief to have that bastard out of my mouth. I never did get the prescription filled.

So I went in about two weeks later, had the other three wisdom teeth pulled and 8 cavities fixed. Hopefully I can make it another 11 years.
I went 11 years without seeing one until recently when I broke a wisdom tooth. I went two months with an exposed nerve.. That was the most horrific pain I've ever experienced in my life.
fucking texans

i haven't had to get my wisdoms yanked, non impact FTW
i know lots of peopel that had to get them surgically removed though
i def don't envy them
11 years? thats just.... gross....

i go for a cleaning/polishing/check for cavities deal every 6 months
I clean my teeth extremely well every day in an effort to stay away from the dentist. 8 cavities in 11 years isn't all that bad.. Its not like they were giant black rotting holes or anything, they were littly tiny dots in places I couldn't even see.
reckedracing said:
why nitrous and then anesthesia?
were they going to try to do it with you awake?
Nah, the nitrous just made me feel more comfortable then I got an IV with anesthesia. And he just pulled them. I didn't even need stitches (20 years of contact sports and dumbass-ness and still no stitches). My wisdoms almost made it all the way in before they started hurting. However the last 24 hours were horrible. It was like the bastards knew they were coming out.
i had that shit too for my wisdom teeth. I woke up, went home, passed out for like an hour or two, woke up with EXTREME pain, then i took some drugs, felt better and went to a kegger. ahh the good ol days..
Not looking forward to this. Mine are growing in directly pointed at my back molers.
its really not bad.. i mean you dont feel it. and make sure if you go home and pass out, to take a med first so when you wake up and take one you dont have to wait 30-45 min for it to kick in..
Its wednesday night. I got them out monday morning. I felt great monday night. I feel exactly the same tonight. I'm trying to study for a 75 animal practical tomm and my teeth hurt. Well lack of teeth.
I don't want the whole not able to eat solid food bit and to lose a fuckton of weight, also it keeps you out of the gym for a week.
totalburnout said:
I don't want the whole not able to eat solid food bit and to lose a fuckton of weight, also it keeps you out of the gym for a week.
I'm not losing any weight. I'm eating mac n cheese, ramen, and tuna. If anything I'll prob gain weight. But I did have a burger tonight that was amazing after 3 days of no solid food.

One thing I will recomend is eat a big late dinner the night before. You can't eat after midnight the night before and I kind of forgot. I ussually eat early and have a snack before bed. I went to bed hungry the night before. It sucked.