I need a 1995 cavalier motor

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A friend of mine has a 95 cavalier z24 and i need help finding a good price. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm located in MN. Junkyard is a good idea, i guess i'd like to know what to expect for a price.
Like i said, the car ain't mine, so i won't be offended by what anyone says. Thanks for the heads up.
I think you should bring that car to the junkyard instead of replacing the engine.

I don't know the demand for those engines but probably 500 at most.
yea, its not like your going to find a website that sells them in masses. There are verious big national junkyards online, you have to type in a request form. Just do a google search
pretty much any 95-99 2.2 or 2.4L will go right in... im sure there's 123123124523434233434.9 of them sitting in junkyards with 40k on them with blown or crashed something or others

i see FUCK LOADS of them every time i hit the junkyard looking for stuff
life sux when u live in a shit hole. but i did spot a 95-99 one on ebay and B says it will drop right in. B, it will fit right in there w/o needing a shit load of parts that are different?