I need to paint my car...

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The Trisexual
Weighing out the possibilities.

First things first, it has to look decent and be CHEAP.

As I was searching for paint and such. Rustoleum seems to be the prime choice when doing a DIY cheap paint job. It covers well, supposedly holds up well, is inexpensive with a decent array of colors to choose including some metallics.

I've always used higher quality automotive paint but with a little researching, I can still do a nice job with these less expensive paints, whilst it still being able to hold up to the normal weather abuse automotive paint endears. Again, a little research and many people have used it with good results and it can't come out much worse then the ugly scratched paint I have now.

Granted it won't be a show quality finish but like I said, better then what I have and for the price it can't be beat.

Back to my actual question.

Since I want a mostly complete color change. I'm trying to figure out how I can paint the engine bay without removing the engine. I've always skipped that step and left the engine bay whatever color the car originally was.. It's not a honda and it's a royal PITA to pull the motor

I'm still undecided on the color, but if I do decide to go with a much lighter color, it's going to look like complete shit when I open the hood or clash with the color I chose...as an example, let's say I paint the car sunrise red, the hunter green engine bay will clash undoubtably.

Honestly, if worse meets worse, then I'll just deal with it or mask off the upper half and spray it as well as I can.

I also need some suggestions on decent body filler for the dings and such. Years ago I had gotten some stuff at a local autobody shop for my 79 Rabbit. I saw the car a few months aho and the stuff is still holding up well, never cracked or shrunk. I just can't remember what it was called and that shop is closed now.

Lastly, let's hear your suggestions on a color for the Audi, I was looking in the area of black, sand, or a gunmetalish. There is a small possiblity of me painting it red, but odds are I won't.
I hate rustoleum. It's too goddamn thick. I'm thinning my paint 70% acetone 30% paint and its STILL thick as hell...it looks really good though. As soon as it dries out here, and I can clear the rex, I'll get some pics up of the finished job...

As far as painting the engine bay with the motor in, I'd just cover up the engine, tape everything off, and rattlecan it. The shade doesn't have to be EXACTLY what the outside of the car will be...you might even want to just go with black.
What paint are you using?

I was bored and got my new gravity feed and happened to use rustoleum to paint a bumper I had laying around. I used it as the guinea pig and it came out pretty good. I was at a 50/50 mix with it.
I have a recomendation.
research "4th dimension" for your base
check out "western select" for your clear

same shit as sherman williams at 1/3 the price.
try out aircolors
its a water based paint thats right water based and can be cleard with any clear on the market.
next a dark glossy colour is hard to achieve. For body filler rage gold is great, or evercaotzmax
rage gold...that's the stuff. Best filler I've ever used

I'll check out the paints and clears listed.

I'm most likely going to go with black...laying the rustoleum on my guinea bumper, it looks pretty good and is nice and glossy.