IE vs Netscape

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as an expirament, i loaded HondaSwap on both IE and Netscape to see which one loaded the site faster. well Netscape loaded HondaSwap alot faster and i was rather impressed. only thing that sucked is that when i went to click the HondaSwap chat room for AIM, it didnt work. other than that i was impressed with the way Netscape loaded.
IE is the biggest waste of harddrive space on this computer- i can't open an IE window for more than five second without being innudated with popups or IE going unresponsive
download the google toolbar.

kills popups like woah.
that's a great question to ask, the only problem is netscape is no more, AOL dropped it like a hot potato when micro$oft said it wouldn't give AOL any more money if it futher developed netscape.

but my vot estill goes out to netscape if that's what I'm limited to.

Netscape is a great browser based on the gecko engine. That being said mozilla is by far a way better browser that IE.

and when I click on the AIM Chat link in either mozilla or netscape it works fine.
netscape is old news too.. even with V7.x

mozilla 1.6b is the browser to have on windows
konqueror on linux
safari on mac

* Gecko-Based Browsers (AOL-Compuserve, AOL for OS X, Mozilla, Netscape 6+, etc.): • The reported percentage of users varies a lot, likely in large part because many stats sources (a) are not properly identifying non-Netscape Gecko browsers, and (B) may wrongly identify Opera or Safari as a Gecko browser. • I suggest that ~6% typically use Gecko browsers, with this number growing as IE and Netscape 4 users switch.
* KHTML-Based Browsers (Konqueror, OmniWeb 4.5+, Safari, etc.): • The reported percentage of users varies a lot, likely in large part because many stats sources are not properly identifying these browsers. • I suggest that ~1-2% typically use KHTML browsers — the great majority being Safari users — with the number likely to rise slowly as more OS X users switch to Safari.
* Microsoft Internet Explorer: Roughly 85% use IE-based browsers, down from a high of ~94% as users switch to other browser families — mainly Gecko — with this downward trend likely to continue as the alternate browsers improve and as IE remains stagnant with no planned upgrade for several years. • Most use IE6, with its number growing slowly. • Many use IE5, with the number shrinking as users upgrade or switch; IE5 will remain a factor for several years. • Few use IE4, ~0.5%, with the number shrinking steadily to the point that it will become negligible before the end of 2004.
* Netscape 4.x: • Stats vary, but ~1-2% likely use a Netscape 4 browser; the number is shrinking slowly and may not become negligible till 2005. • The majority use 4.5+ versions, but a large minority still uses 4.0x versions.
* Opera: • The reported percentage of users varies a lot, likely in large part because many stats sources wrongly identify Opera as Internet Explorer, Mozilla, or Netscape; one survey in early 2004 revealed that ~72% of Opera users had configured it to identify itself as Internet Explorer. • I suggest that ~1-2% typically use Opera browsers, with the number changing slowly, and with the great majority using Opera 7.
Browser Usage Stats (use with caution)
Browser: Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4
IE6 69% 74% 61% 49%
IE5 16% 12% 26% 13%
IE4 .25% .2% 1.0% 1.0%
KHTML based 1.4% 1.9% ? ?
Gecko based 2.5% 7.6% 4.8% 20%
NN4 1.4% .75% 2.0% 1.5%
Opera .35% 1.8% .25% 1.0%
other 1.3% .2% .25%
unidentified 9.0% 4.2% 14%