Is this some 2012 stuff or what?

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Tell me when the Middle East was peacefull...

Really tho, this is history repeating itself. Personally, I dont get worked up over it, but dont like hearing about it. These people dont give one half of one fuck about what you have to say. They will never change their ways. You can not win a religious war. It is what it is. It will effect my life, thats a fact. Theres nothing I can do about it, thats a fact. Just live your life, monitor whats happening (if that helps you) and adjust your life accordingly.
haha I hear ya guys... Im not really that serious about 2012 doomsday stuff, but I have noticed that things seem particularly bad lately. Maybe i have watched too many apocalypse shows on the history channel...

How bout this theory... for the new year, mother nature is finally going to right all of our wrongs, thin out the population, make us start over. And of course she chose to start with the jersey shore :D
I should have stopped this morning to stock up on twinkies. I thought hostess was going to keep its promise and close its doors friday but didn't bet on it yesterday when I was salivating on the idea of stocking up.
haha I hear ya guys... Im not really that serious about 2012 doomsday stuff, but I have noticed that things seem particularly bad lately. Maybe i have watched too many apocalypse shows on the history channel...

How bout this theory... for the new year, mother nature is finally going to right all of our wrongs, thin out the population, make us start over. And of course she chose to start with the jersey shore :D
And now, no more twinkies. So, there's no food to eat after the nukes either!!!!
Twinkies maker Hostess going out of business - CBS News

I think he was referring to the TV show.

haha not really, but now that you mention it... yeah, that too.

And Slushboxteggy, believe me, I know how bad hurricanes suck. Been through some direct hits in a couple different places in florida. Most of the folks (and infrastructure) just really wasnt ready up there.
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I'm the resident pro of Israeli history and philosophy here, if anyone has a question.

But I'll explain the significance of what happened last night. Egypt sent rockets into Jerusalem. Syria typically sends rockets into Israel. For Egypt to join the fight is significant in several ways, but here is the top 2 you should know:

1: Egypt represents the first time the ACTUAL Arab population has gotten involved. Palestinians are the ... Pardon the term, but it's accurate: The niggers of the middle east. Arab countries HATE palestinians, and Koranically, they are called to be slaves and peasants under Arabic rule. They are the gutter trash of their caste system. Syria is a close second.
2: Last week Obama met with the leader of Egypt and promised his support of the new hardline-islamic regime. The deal was penned just two days ago.

Egypt's involvement is the start of the rest of the Arabic world getting started. Egypt right now is very brash and young - It doesn't understand that region quite like Iran does. Iran KNOWS that aggression to Israel will result in a rather high radiation level in the desert air.

But the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has gone so far to think that they can remove the sphinx and the pyramids. They seriously BELIEVE that they are untouchable. Kinda like a teenager. In essence, So is Hamas - being pretty new to the area as well. The PLO, under Yassir Arafat, knew enough from being around so long that you don't lob ordinance into Israel.

Listen, The Isrealis got into a war for their land the DAY it was given to them by the British empire. They kicked their towel-headed asses on day one. They didn't even have equipment. The PLO knew how nasty they were. The Shah of Iran knew, The Ayatollah knew (Although he needed reminders) and even Saddam Hussein knew.

Cue the Muslim Brotherhood. A lot of people have asked "Man oh man, those Arabs are pretty nasty with their threats of destroying Israel. It would be bad if they all got their shit together and joined up under one flag." Well, that happened. The Muslim Brotherhood is that one flag. And while we in the US get spoon-fed this anti-semitic bullshit from our worthless media, Israel knows full-well what kind of shit is going to rain down the day this happens. Or happened. Not sure yet.

You see, Muslims are like monkeys. They don't actually cooperate with anyone or anything. The one thing they all seem to come together on is killing gays, beating women, and raping boys / animals. I'm being serious here. They don't actually "come together" to discuss anything. They fight. And their entire caste system is setup a championship chart. At the end of the fighting, whoever remains standing has the final say. That makes the planning and contingency building easy for Israel. Israel is preparing for exact situations decades in advance. And they are prepared for this one as well.

The one that kinda bothers Israel (And I just say "kinda bothers") is that Obama is now in power over us. That means that an obvious Muslim seed now has the reigns over the backup strategy of Israel. The US backing Israel was good for the Muslims though - It kept them at bay, in fear of the great western satan led by everyone from Reagan to GWB. But without America at it's side, Israel is now prepared to step up the conflict to nuclear arms.

Basically, they have to go "nuclear" fast and furious in order to survive. No real land occupation or sea superiority. Those all have to be bypassed for the final solution. And it's gonna be spectacular.
dude, i hope not.... but i smell what you are stepping in.
On a related topic, I have unexpirable(?) milk in my fridge. It will be good until the end of time:



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