Its never to late to get a bike

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Wrong Whole!

B I don't want to hear how its' to late in the season to buy a bike =)
i need tires like that for the 240 for the wintercross starting up soon hopefully :)
Those bikes are too big for me to pull around on the ice, give me a CR250 and we'll call it good...I'll keep my GSXR for the summer and the girls.
studded tires are not allowed at the wintercross...just thought I might mention that...hehe
If those bikes are like the super stud class in ice racing, I'd feel safer on one of those bikes on the ice than I would on dry pavement because they have WAY more traction than on pavement.
Originally posted by djyox@Nov 25 2003, 01:40 AM
Those bikes are too big for me to pull around on the ice, give me a CR250 and we'll call it good...I'll keep my GSXR for the summer and the girls.

CR250 is much higher off the round then a GSXR
I'm getting an RC51 asap, definitely before the summer. Those bikes run a 10 second quater right out of the crate. They would blast away any car on this site. Not to say they are the fastest, but I'm gettin one to replace my crapped out stunter cbr600. Bikes are friggin sick...