ken block g-khana practice

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see all that talk about finishing first at the races and you cant even ge a post up :P

Session Start (Airj0ckey:Subl1meRomeo): Wed Nov 12 09:28:41 2008
[09:28] Airj0ckey: (Link:
[09:28] Subl1meRomeo: (Link: Ken Block Video Player Ken Block Video Player
[09:28] Subl1meRomeo: lol
[09:29] Airj0ckey: I think I"ve seen it
[09:29] Airj0ckey: lol
[09:29] Subl1meRomeo: ;)
Session Close (Subl1meRomeo): Wed Nov 12 09:32:18 2008
that was pretty badass
that looks like my mom trying to find a parking spot at the mall, the exhaust on her subie is quieter though.