lawnmower still doesn't run

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which spring is the mower missing now from the govenor/choke assembly?
well the springs as they are currently configured (9 year old mower annually dissaseembled by someone with no mechanical knowlege) work in concert. Throwing the choke arm doesn't actually move anything it just adjusts the spring tension. It's basically set wide open
4 stroke, push 4hp motor

what's I've tried so far

Disassembly of fuel tank up to rail to clean and check for blockage
changed octane booster out
checked oil level
troubleshot choke system (as I said I even took out the spirngs and tried fusing it in the correct position and it still ran like shit, eliminating the choke from consideration)

Looks similar

on the plastic top is says

Model: 10A902
Type: 2286 E1

and on the metal portion (the blade drum) there is a stick that read

Model: 20415X92A

it's a 4HP Quattro 2 in 1

made in 99

I took a picture

I could use a thick paperclip and fuse the choke 3/4 the way open. While a bit white trash it would be open enough to start it up and closed enough to not activiate the govoner (at least by my understanding)


  • choke.JPG
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running things on partial choke will = too much fuel and will eventually foul the plug
it would probably go the whole summer without fouling out though
so using advanced paperclip technology I was able to fuse the choke to roughly 5/6 of the "way to fucking open" current config



kidding, it runs like a champ

thanks guys!