Lets do it!!!!

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Ok, i think we should have a meet/bbq in texas. Lets all get together for a honda swap meet. Anyone else interested in doing this? Pm me if you are in texas or close to and lets try to set something up for this summer.
I am in dfw area. Well lets get something together. Should we have it at a park or find someones house to do it at? Any sudgestions will be great i have never done this before. How do they do it up north?
I'm down, give me a date and ill definitely be there. And I think we should just BBQ, good ole' Texas BBQ, yum haha. We could meet up here and hang out on the lake if everyone wanted to, there is a pretty good size park right next to Eagle Mountain lake about 5 miles from where I live.
I might be able to get my hands on one, either that or two jetski's, I can find out tomorrow
I have one.. Went to replace the floor in it and found rotten motor mounts (inboard).. Now I have to pull the motor and do serious surgery. So its been sitting for over a year now.
im in se Kansas not real far probably can make it there ,pm me some info despain or call me i think you still have my phone number...
well my cell is # 469-964-3803
i would like to chat with everyone and hammer out some details. lets do it some time in july or aug. imo. the lake sounds like a really good spot. so call me and we can find a good spot. and start getting the list for what everyone should bring. i am broke these days. so i think we should all pitch in on food and drinks. any suggestions an dates what to bring and where at would be great.
Well... the boat is a no go on my part... he's gone on vacation through the end of August..

And my cell is (817)-739-3699 call me whenever and we can figure out when we can all meet up.

I know Ill only be gone for a week in mid july so thats the only time im out. But I can pitch in for food and drinks and what not.
Everyone who plans on going please pm me. What dates&times are good. And also any contact info. I think we are going to have it at the park by eagle mountain lake.
Ok....... So the weekend of aug 15th. Is the date that looks the best for me. Also this will give everyone ample time to make plans to be there. Does this date set well with everyone else?
Eh, its kinda late in august, maybe the weekend before that because classes will be starting up around that time...
yeah or the last week in july. oh i tried to call you today....... i left a message^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
well who all is going to come???/??/?