LS vtec question...Gsr head swap

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ok,i have a 91 crx has a B18a1 in it,with the stock ls head...i want to do ls,ive done some research (plus did it on my other rex) and i realize i got to get a conversion harness to run another ecu..but as far as wiring for i need to buy a Obd1 vtec wiring harness as well...and if i have to buy that,would i have to do come fabrication (soldering,etc) to come up with a harness to be able to wire the GSR head up??? someone help me,im kinda confused.
Originally posted by CRXSI91@Feb 18 2005, 01:53 AM
ok,i have a 91 crx has a B18a1 in it,with the stock ls head...i want to do ls,ive done some research (plus did it on my other rex) and i realize i got to get a conversion harness to run another ecu..but as far as wiring for i need to buy a Obd1 vtec wiring harness as well...and if i have to buy that,would i have to do come fabrication (soldering,etc) to come up with a harness to be able to wire the GSR head up??? someone help me,im kinda confused.
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they make a converstion harness to obd1, its easer if u get the obd0 to 0bd1 converstion harness , u can find gsr heads that are obd1, u use a gsr ecu, there is some messing with the wiring but not to much