Math = Fail

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Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?
So these 3 guys go to a hotel and they decide it would be cheaper to get one room. They tell the guy at the desk that they want a room and he tells them it will be $30 for the night. Each of the 3 guys give the man at the desk $10. After the man at the desk finishes the paperwork he tells the guys that the room was discounted to $25 so they will get $5 back. They decide that they each get $1 back meaning they only paid $9 each. Since they couldn't split the last $2 they gave it to the man at the desk as a tip. My question is, since they only paid $9 each and $9 times 3 people is $27 and the $2 they gave the man at the desk makes $29, where is the extra dollar?
what, is this fucking riddle day or something?

edit: don't multiply 3x9. you add $25+3(each) to get 28. plus the $2 to the clerk.