maxim and stuff - FREE subscriptions y0!

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Anybody still get these? I still get mine, and just got a notice from STUFF that they are no longer publishing it, and if I dont reply to the note, my remainder of my STUFF subscription will be added to my MAXIM subscription, or I can send a letter to the address on the note to get a refund for the balance of my subscription... lol..

yeah, stuff is no more :( shitty.

i still have about a year and change left on this sub. i can't beleive it was from 03. haha
Yeah, I still get maxim :D

you wanna know something weird? Around the time I started getting Stuff, Maxim and FHM, I also started to receive free subscriptions of Men's Health, Sound and Vision, Sports Illistrated(sp?) and ESPN. I checked all my credit cards statements and bank statements and I haven't paid one cent to these magazines lol pretty cool I suppose lol
Yeah once I moved my scrips ran out :( But I get them both for about a year and a half.
Stuff isn't around anymore, instead, my remaining 5 years will be sent to me in the form of Maxim
At my old job we weren't supposed to have magazines like maxim, stuff, porn etc hanging around. Auditors would give us a hard time about this. SO I got the subscription sent to the store as Heywood Jablome. This way if it came in the mail we could say someone must have put the wrong address down.