Maximum Security Inmates Hunger Protest

  • Thread starter Thread starter endlesszeal
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Rape murder and steal. Violate everyone elses rights and then bitch when yours are reduced? The ones that rape and murder are lucky they don't get raped and murdered in return.
rape, murder, steal and get free health care, food, and housing. sounds like a better deal than paying taxes.
Fuck em. We should go back to chain gangs and then maybe they will stop bitchin'.
i can see where theyre coming from, if youve never been through the system you dont know how depolrable the living conditions are even for non violent offenders
Dont do something that will land you in Jail...Problem solved. I have done things that could have turned out with jail time, but I knew that when I did it and I did it anyway. You reap what you sow.
i can see where theyre coming from, if youve never been through the system you dont know how depolrable the living conditions are even for non violent offenders
and this matters why?

Dont do something that will land you in Jail...Problem solved. I have done things that could have turned out with jail time, but I knew that when I did it and I did it anyway. You reap what you sow.

i have a friend who is getting ready to do 21 days in jail. he got his 3rd DUI and he's only 29.....I'll be honest, he deserves it. should have learned the 1st or even second time.
i can see where theyre coming from, if youve never been through the system you dont know how depolrable the living conditions are even for non violent offenders

We are not talking about non violent offenders here. These are the worst of the worst for the most part. These are not 19 year old frat kids that got pinched for a half pound of pot. They are rapists and murderers.
Pelican Bay State Prison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

down to the demands part; funny as f**k.
1) adequate and nutritious meals? be glad you get to eat. hunger is a huge problem in the free world already.
2) constructive activities? theyre already making shanks out of dried soap bars and pencils already. itll be great to allow them to have 30 lbs of crap to make weapons out of.
3) end solitary confinement? you probably beat the crap out of an inmate or disrespected the workers.
4) stop "forced" snitching? you snitch cuz you a b**ch. period. its a choice.

if you've watched documentaries on supermax prisons or know people who are there, the rules are there because inmates created the problems and the rules were made to discourage people from breaking them.

i really have no sympathy for these people. they are often times, repeated offenders or very very violent first time offenders. i say put them in a gangchain and make clean up the ghettos they claim is their turf.
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I say shoot them on sight. I'm sick of my tax money paying for their "life of luxury" just like those welfare fuckers with 5 kids. Cut off their genitals.