Mixing fuels

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I got interested in hydrogen gas as a supplemental fuel for automobiles 4 years ago and since then I have been fascinated and compelled to design a reliable and safe system.
My first attempts with hydrogen production were somewhat successful.
I used electrolysis to produce the hydrogen and fed it to the intake of a engine.
With some trial and error, several types of electrolyzers where built and most ended there live as scrap. But one made the final cut, it was tested and tested and adjusted until I was satisfied and it was installed in my car.
I was able to achieve a 15% mileage increase and a better running cleaner burning engine. This unit lasted about 4 months and started to leak electrolyte, this led to structural problems and the demise of the unit shortly after.
Several more units where built but with no success and previous results could not be achieved so I decided to take a different approach and direct inject the hydrogen into the engine as if it where gasoline.
The best way to do this was to use fuel injectors one in each intake runner and time the hydrogen injection with the gasoline injectors so they both open and close at the same time.
By the proper placement of the injectors, very little hydrogen will be in the intake plenum at any given time, so intake backfires will be less likely.
This is controlled and calculated by the Ecm (engine control module) and seems to be the most logical solution to a very difficult problem.
Fuel curve maps show the amount and duration of fuel being injected; the hydrogen can be trimmed by regulating the pressure 1 to 5 pounds at the injector. At this time a manual adjustable regulator is all-funding will allow.
Hydrogen is stored in the trunk of the car in a industrial tank that is safe and easily filled.
80 cubic feet of hydrogen will last about 30 days according to the miles I drive weekly. At a cost of one dollar per day, the savings well outweighs the cost.
My goal is 50 mpg; I am averaging 42.5 mpg now with no hydrogen.
Please note the test vehicle I am using is a four cylinder 5 speed with 250,000 miles on it, and a free flowing exhaust and air intake system has been added.
