my dad's new toy

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Ok, well its not really new, but this is his baby.
BMW M5 (dunno the year, i think its 01 or 02 something like that)
ONLY 5,000 MILES..
and wow is it one hell of a ride.. anyway, i uncovered her for a bit.. heres a couple crappy cell phone pics, ill get better ones soon
i got to ride in it, makes mustang gt's look silly, thats about all i know :p

I <3 BMW
I love them.

My dad has been siding a house for this guy off and on for a year now....and that's his DD. Got to ride in it and man it hauled.
Yea lol, they make mustang GT's look silly.. my dad got on it next to one on the freeway and WALKED it.. and it wasnt even in sport mode :p
Did the photographer have epilepsy?
Those are the shakiest pics I've ever seen.

Looks like someone snuck in, pulled the cover back just enough to get the money shot, then snuck off into the night. (my kind of photography ;))