my first good news in 2009

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yes full time perm job handling worker's comp claims as i did before when i was laid off....some more good old job called me back...i can start july 13th with a temp agency at $25/h full time 40 hours a week.
wait to hear back from the other company. how much does the other place pay? i would take a little less for something guaranteed permanent.
wait to hear back from the other company. how much does the other place pay? i would take a little less for something guaranteed permanent.
not sure....i guess if they want to offer me something they will offer me in best guess is probably going to be more then $25/h ...prolly between $57k-$60k year
i'd stay away from the hartford. there's bad rumours around them right now about being bought/sold/going out of business/etc.
i'd stay away from the hartford. there's bad rumours around them right now about being bought/sold/going out of business/etc.

yeah no i just got laid off from there lol....its my job before i went to the hartford....Ace USA/ESIS that i would be temping for