My friend has a distributor problem with his b18b rex.

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Ok so my friend bought a 91 crx dx with a b18b swap.

Now hes got some distributor issues.

1:Its not the b18b dizy as far as we know cause the cap and rotor purchased dident fit the teg dizy. It fits a d15b2 in a 91 dx.

2:Grinding the bearings in the teg dizy. Can the barings be replaced or should he look for a different dizy?

3: if so how do you identify what dizy is which? Such as model numbers?

Should my friend try and salvage the dizy he has or find some sort of replacement that dosent mess with the wiring.

The cap and rotor are the same as the dx dpfi crx dizy, but it has 2 plugs on it instead of a single plug.

Appears as a dpfi dizy but its not.

Is it a dizy from a teg with a d15 dpfi cap and rotor for the wiring?

Also do not know how to identify obd0 and 1 and such.

ECU case says pr4 on it but that can mean anything.

He thinks its an obdo cause its got an injector resistor box wired in.

Please any help would be appreaciated.
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okay PR4 is an identification for 90=93 acura integra ecus and related parts from 90-93 acura integra. All caps are same for d15 d16 b16 b18 b17. Rotor is same. Internal components same and harness the same plug same. But the side and shape will not fit. Good Luck!;)
Yeah I think we got it figured out.

pr4 ecu and dizzy 1990-1993 Acura Integra LS/GS
b18b1 1994-1995 Integra GS/LS/RS/SE

Its my understanding of how swaps like this go is that inorder to make this motor work in the 2G rex you need to use the older ecu and dizzy correct?
No What Ever The Engine Block Is For Example Pm6 On Engine And Tranny You Must Use The Pm6 Ecu And Dizzy. You Can Not Older Units On Car Only Current!;)
Well its a 94-95 b18b1 with a pr4 and a 90-93 dizzy. the serial numbers prove it.

I looked at the numbers on the upper mount of the dizzy. td-23u(I beleave thats the number), its from a 90-93 teg, hours of searching yesterday found a list of dizzys that should be in the referance materials.

The block stamp says b18b1 and its got a 1 wire o2 sensor.

So I dont know what else to say cause this car was frankenstined togeather.

Wish we knew who did the swap then we can ask them what the hell they did.
Heres another thing Iam cureious about.

Iam not sure what trans hes got he says its an s80 but isent the s80 a hydro trans?

His trans is a cable type.

But his axels have a funny angle to them. its like the trans sits lower and the axels angle up. and from where we can see it looks like there pritty agressive angle.

Dont he have to swap to teg hubs and such?

Ok so it seems from some reading that that 1988 honda guy has been banned for spreading false info. so I would like osmeone who knows there info to conferm if anything he said is correct.

Cause my friends crx with a obd1 motor using obd0 pr4 ecu and td23u dizzy runs and asside from a bad valve cause of previous n20 using owners.
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