need an alarm system. which is the best?

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hey vipers the best DEI is probably the best alarm companys on the planet and when you do get one DO NOT put the sticker saying which alarm is in your vehicle alarm wireing diagrams are public info and can be found at the library and any good criminal can bypass your alarm with that simple info hope i helped
Do not but BULL DOG piece of shit i had a friend that had one on his piece of shit tempo with a 318 in it fast as hell but still a ford with a mopar and his shit got stolen
Originally posted by 15 2003, 12:22 PM
ok a proerly installed alarm will prevent theft

HOw so?

I have installed a few, and I know for a fact that if they want it they can take it. On a daily basis I went through broken in cars and insurance cars that had alarms or not, that were all pretty much stolen the same way. The hardest part about stealing a car is getting in.
i work at a car audio shop and my freinds car got repoed and the the guy who took said that he tried for 3 hrs to get in his car he said everytime hed get it open it would automatically lock it again he said it was by far the hardest car he ever had to get into he had a viper 790 in my mind there the best nothing out there is better
everytime hed get it open it would automatically lock it again he said it was by far the hardest car he ever had to get into

Now that sounds like security. I like that.....
The best thing a guy can have at his house, is a big damn dog. For eight years I never locked a car at my parents house. I lived at my current house for three weeks, when all of my stereo equipment was stolen. I had to disconnect my expensive alarm, because it went off all the time. Proximity alarms are over-rated. I think my alarm was a JTI. It said "Nobody messes with IT" on the keychain. PIECE OF SHIT!!!
I now use a cheap ass pioneer CD, not even detachable face. Did I mention that my bags of aluminum cans get ripped off at night? I don't know why I crush them.