Need help with my ZC Crankshaft Pulley

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Hey, I need to change the timing belt on my DOHC ZC engine that I have in an '89 crx Si. The problem is that I can't get the nut off the crankshaft pulley to get the timing belt cover off. I tried an impact wrench with 500lbs of torque and that didn't do it, then I borrowed another impact wrench from my work and that didn't get the job done. I don't think it's reverse thread but who knows? ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
The bolt is not reverse threaded. Please don't try for your sake. Take the flywheel inspection cover off and get a heavy duty prybar and wedge it in between the ringgear and the transmission housing. Get the longest breaker bar you can find and brace yourself and put some balls on it. They can be tough if they have never come off before(or it has been a while). Try putting your foot on the breaker bar and hold on to the radiator support and pull and press at the same time. Afterwards, go to the doctor for your hernia.