New $20 bills have rfid tags ??

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Fold a stack of regular paper in half and stick it in the microwave... The exact same thing will happen.

And from a slashdot poster on the subject:

Just a quick run-down on Alex Jones and his site.

This guy is viewed as a Class-A crackpot in Austin, Texas. He has a cable access show twice a week in which he rants about conspiracy theories of all kinds of varieties. He has run numerous shows on how the government literally has black helicopters following him around South Austin. He was predicting armageddon when the Y2K bug was supposed to hit. He fully espouses the notion that Bush not only had previous-knowledge of 9/11 but planned it. He did a special where he claims that all presidents past and present meet at Bohemiam Grove, worship an owl god, and sacrifice children. He also believes the United Nations is preparing to occupy the United States any day now (according to him it has been for at least the last ten years). A quick look at his shop will give you a pretty good indication of his beliefs.

Keep this in mind when judging the validity of this article
Originally posted by DarkHand@Mar 2 2004, 11:01 AM
Fold a stack of regular paper in half and stick it in the microwave... The exact same thing will happen.

Yeah I can see that happening, your just exciting some hydrogen molecules, do it long enough and there's enough heat it could happen.
Originally posted by CRX-YEM+Mar 2 2004, 09:54 AM-->
@Mar 2 2004, 11:01 AM
Fold a stack of regular paper in half and stick it in the microwave... The exact same thing will happen.

Yeah I can see that happening, your just exciting some hydrogen molecules, do it long enough and there's enough heat it could happen.

Another thought:

The magnetic ink in the bills, especially that many fresh 20's stacked together and folded over probably caused some arcing between each bill and fried it from the inside.

Although now the conspiracy theorists are gonna start freaking out over the magnetic ink. :D
welp- just put a 20 in the micro wave for 30 secs. nothing happened.
got bored.

submit to myth busters
what the hell is he going to tell the teller at the bank when he tried to get the bills replaced? that he accidentally dropped 1000 dollars worth of cash into a fire? :whatafucktard:
I was thinking the same thing about the magnetic ink. Is 50, $20 bills enough to set off the anti-theft systems at a store ?? hmm
Originally posted by Slammed90Lude@Mar 2 2004, 02:48 PM
what the hell is he going to tell the teller at the bank when he tried to get the bills replaced? that he accidentally dropped 1000 dollars worth of cash into a fire? :whatafucktard:

it's only 600 shown...