OEM head gasket

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Hello i've read a post on a here a while back and it said that if you were to buy a OEM head gasket and take out the middle piece it would end up being like a Mugen gasket or so.....and by doing this compression is slightly raised......is this true???....i will be replacing an head gasket on a 94 GSR and if this works will the outcome of the raised compression harm the motor in any way??...thank you and have a nice day!!!
if u want the gain of the mugen gasket, just by a lower profile gasket, alot of companies make them, and they wont fuck u over. im looking into that right now myself on my LS.
coo....will if you find one let me know....i will be changing head gasket in about a week or so.....
just go to any lordco or local parts place and ask them if they have any compression raising, or slimmer racing head gaskets, they will probably know.