oil level problem on my 2000 gsr

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i need some help with my motor... i dont know why everytime n check my oil level it dont show nothing like my motor doesnt have eny oil... so what i did was i change my oil n i wait for 5 min n check the oil level agian right but it still not show in eny oil on my motor n i dont know why can some1 help me
he said his dipstick shows no oil on it...he changed his oil and 5 minutes later checked it and still didn't see any oil on it.
When you changed your oil, how much oil did you put back in?
Is there any smoking when the engine is under load?

Do another oil change, start it and let it run for a bit, check for leaks.
and please tell me when you checked it you had the engine off and let the oil settle back into the engine for a minute. I had some asshat come to my dealership the other day and told me they were checking the oil with the car running! lol
i change my oil twice oready but still the same n i dont know why????????????and my vtec is kicking weak
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