Oil Pan repair.

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Senior Member
Is it possible to repair a small hole in a oil pan? is there a way? Because i don't have the money to change it. And the hole is really really smal, but leaks a little bit. So is there a way, or something i could do to repair it?
go to advanced or a place like that. ask for jb weld or jb quick. its this great stuff that you mix together to form a everlasting bond
yeah JB is good, but I would also consider finding out exactly where the oil is coming and then go from there.

JB weld is good or you could have someone with a welder do a quick little weld on it and it would be good for a while
you can get this shit from the dealer called hondabond no shitting! my friend chipped a piece off his tranny and sealed it with hondabond.
Originally posted by h82w8@Aug 8 2003, 02:05 PM
you can get this shit from the dealer called hondabond no shitting! my friend chipped a piece off his tranny and sealed it with hondabond.

That's assuming you have the piece.

As for where the oil is coming from, he said he has a small hole in the pan. So, I would tend to think that the oil is coming from that hole. Weld it? Sure. But he's looking for cheap. A $5 tube of JB Weld is cheaper than $15 to spot the hole with a welder, and if you're really going to do it right, get a new oil pan.