Ok, so I really need some people to bounce ideas off....

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try temp/staffing agencies for something 7-15$/hr, 9-5. graveyard stock boy, security, inventory. bank teller.
tried living/working closer to denver but still being close enough to commute for kung-fu?
i feel your pain on expecting more right out of school.
so 2 more years of the 0 pay kung fu then it can get you $?
can you get your own clients or conflict of interest for them? you could cater to women, kids, seniors, etc.
my kung-fu is stronger than yours. ;)
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if you are going to do this kung fu no matter what, file bankruptcy, shave your head, and live like a kung fu monk. no debt, no obligation, just kung fu.

if you want to have a job and pay off debt, then get into the market.

it's not hard to find a job out there....if you are flexible.

it's obvious that you can't have both.

if you want a job....the best site ever...www.indeed.com

or www.craigslist.org or go to a temp agency.
if you are going to do this kung fu no matter what, file bankruptcy, shave your head, and live like a kung fu monk. no debt, no obligation, just kung fu.

just so it's clear, bk doesn't discharge all debts; in fact it is harder than hell to discharge student loans. and it can impact your ability to get some jobs (although legally you can't be disqualified from most positions due to having filed).

just thought that should be mentioned although i doubt anyone here is going to up and file to be a kung fu monk.
Well sounds like you want your cake and to eat it too.

You need some kind of compromise, cuz not working won't pay bills.
I don't know if it'll help, but I sell jewelry as a part time job, I get around 12 bucks an hour, with like a 7 hour workday. My roommate is a cook. he goes to work at, like, 4, then comes home tired as shit at, like, 11. Sounds like it sucks. Good luck getting out!