Okay My Town Sucks

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Ya well I live in Springfield, MO The president was here today for a while... This is what he did, went to Bass Pro Outdoor Shop, bought a Fishing Rod, Rubber Worms and that sort of thing.... Then told our mayor that we needed to fix our potholes..... that must be the ultimate ownage if you were mayor, to have the president tell you your city streets suck lol.....
nj streets r horrible...i dont even think they r streets....myself and every1 else 1 kno has gone threw numerous tires and rims...they r impossible to avoid...its fuckin crazy
Indy streets suck, fort wayne streets suck...ask TPP I hit a BIG fuckin pothole after we dropped off Bobby. Then I did it fucking again later that night out by Meijer comin home from my brothers...same wheel, but lower speed... basically made a thud going into the pothole then a thunderous clack sound as it hit the levelled pavement on the way back out...it was such a sickening sound. :( :(