Our world just keeps getting worse. another mall shooting

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
so this is the 392487209348 shooting in the last few years. when will people just learn to kill themselves instead of innocent people. does this shit happen in other countries and we just don't know about it. for some reason i don't think it happens as often as it does here.

thank the fuck christ i have a concealed weapons permit and don't leave home without at least my .25 auto, if not something bigger.

Teen kills 5 at shopping mall - Crime & Punishment - MSNBC.com
Mall Shootings aren't too common. The School shootings is what's getting me. More and more kids are getting pushed to the brink, and their parents leave the guns out way too easily.

When I was in school, there were knifings and chain beatings. Picked-on kids will pick up anything they can and beat another. It's an emotional time even for kids that are normally emotionally stable.

Trust me on this, it's no fun to grow up picked on. Only when I got picked on, my fists were the closest thing around. I learned to fight with my fists after getting pounded on several times. But I remember the berzerker type of anger I had to fuel my fight.
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Mall Shootings aren't too common. The School shootings is what's getting me. More and more kids are getting pushed to the brink, and their parents leave the guns out way too easily.

When I was in school, there were knifings and chain beatings. Picked-on kids will pick up anything they can and beat another. It's an emotional time even for kids that are normally emotionally stable.

Trust me on this, it's no fun to grow up picked on.
i know its not fun. and in the town i grew up in, it was common to have hunting rifles in the back window of pickups on school grounds.

so there is this mall shooting, which i've been to. and the one in tacoma, washington. which i worked at. i'm going to stop going to the mall.
I like to call it population control.

but none the less seems like the proccess of owning a gun really only keeps the honest people honest. A person that wants a weapon to harm others will find a way to get it.
when i was in school, it was 10 on 1, usually with the 1 ending up going through a window of some sort (the ribbed glass (i don't know what you call it... wired checkers?)) and that was about it.

bunch of pussy's who can't fight by them selves.

so what happens? said kid who went through the window ends up buying a trench coat.

and we all know what happens next.

I always kept cool with everyone.
I hung out with some jocks.
I was in band, so i had a lot of dork friends.
and then there were the "Magic" and trench coat crews.... nearly all who were in my classes (I was in the accelerated classes most my life). If anything, those kids would be the ones who would go nuts and shoot up the place. So, I was social and civil with them. We had group projects and what not all the time, and it was no big deal. Should the day ever come when they go around shooting up the place, hopefully they'd spare me as I was cool with them.
it never was a real issue.... no one really flipped out.

but like take columbine for example... if you've seen the history channel special on it, you see that in the lybrary, they let one kid go... why? because he was cool with them. Not necessarily friends, but CIVIL and at least friendly.

these shootings are not random. Sure, the mall probably was, but i'll bet you dollars to donuts, that some preppy bitch wearing aberfuckme and bitch pissed off the kid, made fun of him, or whatever, and so he went to the store, and opened up. Retaliating on the TYPE, instead of the actual person.

How do we stop all this shit?
teach our kids to be social and civil with everyone.... regardless of cliques, regardless of skin, regardless of dorkiness.

Think, the Benchwarmers. All those kids getting picked on, eventually, they loose it. And then end up either shotting up the place, or ending up in a psych ward.

Kinda like that movie "pass it forward" or whatever it was called. do something nice for someone you normally wouldn't. It doesn't have to be anything big.

let someone cut you off in line at the grocery store....
look behind you when you go through a door, and if someone is even remotely close, wait there and hold the door for them.

if the whole world did that, there would be a lot less crime, and less kids trying to jihad the world.
How do we stop all this shit?

You wanna know how to stop it, B? Teach kids that power does not equal respect. When I was in school, if you didn't kick someone's ass, you were prime pickings for the ass kicking. I got into my fair share of fights, but it wasn't until I snapped and slammed some guy's head into a locker full tilt that people left me alone.

Today, people snap and wind up unloading full auto weapons into people. Start by fixing the system that produces these situations and you'll find that your problems will drop drastically.
Teach kids that power does not equal respect.

"to some people, that's more important"

sorry, had to :D

When I was in school, if you didn't kick someone's ass, you were prime pickings for the ass kicking. I got into my fair share of fights, but it wasn't until I snapped and slammed some guy's head into a locker full tilt that people left me alone.

Today, people snap and wind up unloading full auto weapons into people. Start by fixing the system that produces these situations and you'll find that your problems will drop drastically.

see, i don't think this is the solution at all. 99% of the time, there's no point in the fight. its just bullying.
unless john stole mary j rottencrotch from you, there is probably not a good reason to get in a fight in highschool.1
"to some people, that's more important"

sorry, had to :D

see, i don't think this is the solution at all. 99% of the time, there's no point in the fight. its just bullying.
unless john stole mary j rottencrotch from you, there is probably not a good reason to get in a fight in highschool.1

High school? Shit... try middle school. I remember spitting blood after a fight in 7th grade, things like that were normal. One of my teachers wound up quitting after some guy beat the living shit out of her... broken leg, broken rib, nasty as hell.

High school wasn't much better. Except everyone had better weapons than the bats they made in wood shop or brass knuckles. Knives and guns were the big commodity.

In 2002, my city was #8 on the murder rate list. I don't think we have gone down since.
We (me and my siblings) were stationed in colorado, and had to go to one of the denver elementary schools. After surviving that for a bit, we were transferred to england. By this time my brother (who stuck up for me and the sister in denver), now in like, 7th grade, was a trained pit fighter. It was funny as hell when the school bully tried to put him in his place. The bully left in an ambulance, with a broken skull. Well, the bone around his eye was caved in, anyway. Silly england people.

Anyway, after that we didnt get picked on much. When we were transferred here and there, my brother would find out who the big bad ass of the school was, and kick the shit out of him. After that, none of us would have to fight much. Its a fucked up system, but thats the way it works. Otherwise, everyone has to try you out, one at a time. and you end up fighting way too much.
Wow well lets see:
In my 3 years at my high school there were 2 drive-bys, 3 shootings, 5 stabbings, many threats even a KKK letter to an african american teacher of mine, 6 students arrested for having hit lists and countless fights.

But this shooting happend in Utah like 4 miles from my house.
Fucking crazy!!!
there was someone shot in the head at the mall here last year.. crowded mall too.. Christmas time..
I hate this stuff. I was an angry adolescent, but never like this.

I went to anger management for a long time because of my extreme anger. But this is complete bull shit. I was frustrated. I was treated poorly in school because of my size(bigger than most, not fat) and was bright so I spoke my mind and took advanced classes. Although I had a lot of friends, these said "friends" I was the verbal punching bag. At one point after my parents got divorced, I just changed schools. Got into a lot of fights at said new school, kicked random people's asses, and well I got the respect at one point but it has taken forever to not be so angry and still I spark a bit now adays and want to punch a baby.... But then again my mom's a super parent. Like on the school boards, sent me every one of these horrible articles, and well kept me straight. Only reason I'm successful today.

But still. I'm wondering how these kids facilitate this anger, and come to the conclusion that murder is the answer. Maybe I'm one of those horrible nay sayers, but I swear there is a little/least/bit/ of good in everyone, and there is a brink/age that one can be saved. I'm fucking naive/ignorant/stupid I guess for this mind set. It just makes me feel horrible that this person thought this was the answer to his problems, or his own utter calling of some horrible sadistic sort.

I hate this stuff. I was an angry adolescent, but never like this.

I went to anger management for a long time because of my extreme anger. But this is complete bull shit. I was frustrated. I was treated poorly in school because of my size(bigger than most, not fat) and was bright so I spoke my mind and took advanced classes. Although I had a lot of friends, these said "friends" I was the verbal punching bag. At one point after my parents got divorced, I just changed schools. Got into a lot of fights at said new school, kicked random people's asses, and well I got the respect at one point but it has taken forever to not be so angry and still I spark a bit now adays and want to punch a baby.... But then again my mom's a super parent. Like on the school boards, sent me every one of these horrible articles, and well kept me straight. Only reason I'm successful today.

But still. I'm wondering how these kids facilitate this anger, and come to the conclusion that murder is the answer. Maybe I'm one of those horrible nay sayers, but I swear there is a little/least/bit/ of good in everyone, and there is a brink/age that one can be saved. I'm fucking naive/ignorant/stupid I guess for this mind set. It just makes me feel horrible that this person thought this was the answer to his problems, or his own utter calling of some horrible sadistic sort.

WOW dude im sorry
But hey you got your respect!!!........LOL
I was picked on but my parents made sure that I knew fighting wasnt the answer. I know there are some cases where it is kick ass or have your ass kicked. I am glad I was never in that situation. But schools/parents need to let these kids know that they have someone they can go and talk to. If people do not make themselves available and make sure these kids know they have someone they can come to the are going to snap. For everyone that did fight a lot and broke the habit or got help I have a lot of respect for you. But some of these kids are not strong enough to do it on there own. Half of them probably just wanted someone to talk to but no one was around so they used guns instead of words.
I was picked on but my parents made sure that I knew fighting wasnt the answer. I know there are some cases where it is kick ass or have your ass kicked. I am glad I was never in that situation. But schools/parents need to let these kids know that they have someone they can go and talk to. If people do not make themselves available and make sure these kids know they have someone they can come to the are going to snap. For everyone that did fight a lot and broke the habit or got help I have a lot of respect for you. But some of these kids are not strong enough to do it on there own. Half of them probably just wanted someone to talk to but no one was around so they used guns instead of words.
Yeah I feel you on that, I had to straighten up. But it took me getting put in juvienial detention for 3 months.