Overcoming steering wheel lock

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Senior Member
My car got broken into and they destroyed the lock and tumbler. I have figured out how to hotwire my car to get it running, but have the problem of the steering wheel lock. Is there anyway to overcome this? I can rotate the key in the tumbler far enough to unlock it, but not enough to keep it from locking again (unless I put a pretty solid force, i.e. hold it as hard as I can, which can't happen, I drive a 5 speed). What I need to know is if there is some external way to override that bastard, so I can drive my car to raleigh, so I can get it fixed. sigh... why couldn't they have successfully taken the car?!
physicaly cut the tumbler and the housing off off the steeing column. Its riveted on, not screwed for theft. You have to replace it and way. atleast you could drive it.
