personality opinions

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im exactly the opposite.
i fucking flip out at small shit. my friends and gf's all know this. i dont really take it out on them at all, just usually flip out at the one responsible then just remain quiet for a while. but when big things happen, im calm as ever. friends find it wierd. but it works out best bc where most people would loose train of logical thought and just act on emotions, i can make the decisions that need to be made.

but your biggest problem is, you need to learn self control.
you act like a dick bc you dont want to control it. you just snap and take it out on everybody thats around you.
learn to fucking control yourself and you wont have as many problems with it.
when you get angry, just shut the fuck up until you can talk in a calm manner. tell your gf that when you get quiet to just leave you alone for a bit and you will talk latter when you calm down.

I tend to be the same way. Glad I'm not alone.

Good advice. It's worked for me thus far.
im exactly the opposite.
i fucking flip out at small shit. my friends and gf's all know this. i dont really take it out on them at all, just usually flip out at the one responsible then just remain quiet for a while. but when big things happen, im calm as ever. friends find it wierd. but it works out best bc where most people would loose train of logical thought and just act on emotions, i can make the decisions that need to be made.

but your biggest problem is, you need to learn self control.
you act like a dick bc you dont want to control it. you just snap and take it out on everybody thats around you.
learn to fucking control yourself and you wont have as many problems with it.
when you get angry, just shut the fuck up until you can talk in a calm manner. tell your gf that when you get quiet to just leave you alone for a bit and you will talk latter when you calm down.
good advice,i will try to remember it
You come highly recommended, but no - still not much to it.
Indeed. I simply have to hear this words of "wisdom". :D

Agreed, I'm curious as to what Celerity has to add since most of the advice given up above seemed useful and relevant to me :shrug2:
Well i am not Celerity, but i will put in a little word of my own. Relationships are not always easy. They take a lot of communication, sacrifice, and a lot of other bull shit, but when you really care for someone to put your all into it and they feel the same then everything works out and your relationship will start to consist of more good than bad.
Now i am not saying that Byron and i are perfect because we are FAR from it. He has major anger problems and it is mostly when he drinks. I used to grovel on my knees when he would get mad, weather it was my fault or his. I was a huge push over and i did everything he said no matter what. All i did was focus on him. Our entire relationship was in Byron's little world. You need to keep the relationship healthy or it will fall apart.
He has gotten better now that i don't give him attention when he is throwing a 5 year old temper.
One thing my sister always used to tell me when Byron and i were fighting- She would say, Always pick your fights- Don't fight over petty shit, if your going to fight make sure it's something worth fighting about and getting yourself all upset over.
If you get mad walk away, or kiss her and walk away. Get on Hondaswap for goodness sake!!!!
i do get on HS,im sure some people remember the time i beat the hell outta my brother..
but im waiting for cel's response
If Troy wants to talk, I'm available. All you pistol pricks can eat a urinal cake: I've dealt with anger issues, and still do. It's a serious thing, and I can just about fill a book on it.

I'd rather talk one on one. "Anger Issues" is too much of a joke for you oxygen thieves.

I will share this with you all : From what I understand of Injen, he's a decent kid, and does deserve to be loved by a girl. The way in which we view ourselves is much related to the way our environment is set up. In other words, when we look in a mirror we are more often than not looking through a window. It's easiest to observe the converse: When we look out a window, we often see ourselves in a mirror. when people go on and on about how "the world sucks, people are assholes" they are more likely looking at themselves. Get it ?

Prolly not. But that's ok. If Troy wants to talk, I'll be happy to talk. Anyone else with anger issues (And I'm talking about the kind of shit that's like a demon, not like "red lights piss me off") is also welcome to contact me.

Anger is something that is violent and diffident, where your mind and eyes are simply passengers in your body as your body explodes and hurts people. Either physically or verbally. It's a serious issue.

Stating that everyone has "control over emotions" is dumb and ignorant - What I've come to expect from Scott in matters of the heart . Building a D? He's on top.