please help b20 build !!!

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New Member
whats up, im new here...i'm 17 and dont have much experience w building turbo engines, would appreciate any help/tips!!!!

My motor is stock but im getting a good turbo for it.
what Engine mods will i need to create the most hp and hold up for the turbo.
a list would be great for eng components starting from the most important and maybe tips on if i should sleeve a b20, thanks for reading!
start simple.

what are your goals? "building the baddest B20 with 12312321321hp" isn't going to help.
Will this be a daily driven car or secondary toy?

Depending on your goals you may not need to mess with the motor too much.

Most importantly how much money do you have? And please don't lie, be real.
here's some stuff you SHOULD read before you continue any further.....

good luck!