police radar

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Originally posted by reckedracing@Oct 5 2004, 10:00 AM
also illegal in PA
[post=398504]Quoted post[/post]​

Nope, not unless thats a BRAND new law.

They're only illegal in VA and Washington D.C., for non commercial drivers to have.

They're illegal in all states for a commercial driver to use. I.e., tractor trailers can't have them.

However, if you have it up on your dash and the cop sees it, he can always hit you with a ticket for obstruction of view.
did they just pass a law on that then? I've never heard of them being illegal in PA.

not sure on the laws, but a PA trooper decided to let me know they were illegal... cops suck
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene@Oct 4 2004, 01:33 PM
find some way to reflect the signal somewhere other than back to the unit,
[post=398063]Quoted post[/post]​

How about a Stealth Bomber Body Kit :lol:
Speaking of chrome, anyone remember that chromed out audi or whatever it was from somewhere in the middle east? :lol:
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Oct 5 2004, 02:59 PM
Speaking of chrome, anyone remember that chromed out audi or whatever it was from somewhere in the middle east? :lol:
[post=398644]Quoted post[/post]​

yeah.. also illegal here <_<
It's in that respect that I salute america. Not for outlawing chrome cars for visibility reasons... but because they're just so damn ugly. :p
Originally posted by reckedracing@Oct 5 2004, 02:34 PM
did they just pass a law on that then? I've never heard of them being illegal in PA.

not sure on the laws, but a PA trooper decided to let me know they were illegal... cops suck
[post=398622]Quoted post[/post]​

He was wrong. :)

Commercial use = illegal
Non-commericla = legal everywhere but VA and Washington, D.C.
Originally posted by reckedracing@Oct 5 2004, 02:34 PM
did they just pass a law on that then? I've never heard of them being illegal in PA.

not sure on the laws, but a PA trooper decided to let me know they were illegal... cops suck
[post=398622]Quoted post[/post]​

:blink: That cop is an ass... he probably just moved from VA. :p
first of all im no kid,
...pointing this out only lends credence that you are...
second there was only one other car on the road and he had to be going 120, so i kept a 15 car difference, only would have hurt myself. Restricted liscense was for a dui because
everything after "because" is irrelevant.

the "I'd-only-hurt-myself" mentality is why single males under 25 pay astronomical insurance rates. When it comes to making judgement calls, for whatever reason, our brains no longer function properly from puberty until we're about 25.

Don't agree? Maybe you damaged too many brain cells and can't remember all the stupid crap you pulled during that time in your life (hell, 95% of you are STILL AT that time in your life) but were lucky enough to not kill yourself or anyone else.

I have to deal with the mess left behind when some idiot was doing 105+ on the highway and didn't see the other car because they were too busy trying to get their hgh speed run on film.

Face it... being young, dumb, and full of cum is great. But for God's sake, DO NOT use the "I'd-only-hurt-myself" rational as a reason for doing something you already know is asinine and would qualify you for a Darwin Award should the outcome go other than planned.

For instance: the idiot on the go-cart jumping a ramp and landing on his face, the idiot hanging out the driver's side window of his redneck truck, the idiot that ran his car out of control up an embankment and into a crowd of people destroying someone else's car, the idiot that popped a wheelie dumping his g/f off the back of his bike (at speed), the idiot that went auto-x in a parking lot full of trees and very likely injured his passenger when his lost control in a solomn, the idiot doing donuts in an intersection in front of a cop, the idiot drifting around the blind corner and flipping his veh in front of an on-coming couple on a bike, the idiot doing 105 in a 65 that doesn't understand how radar works but isn't a kid...

I think you see where I'm going....
Originally posted by ahedau@Oct 5 2004, 11:34 PM
first of all im no kid,
...pointing this out only lends credence that you are...
second there was only one other car on the road and he had to be going 120, so i kept a 15 car difference, only would have hurt myself. Restricted liscense was for a dui because
everything after "because" is irrelevant.

the "I'd-only-hurt-myself" mentality is why single males under 25 pay astronomical insurance rates. When it comes to making judgement calls, for whatever reason, our brains no longer function properly from puberty until we're about 25.

Don't agree? Maybe you damaged too many brain cells and can't remember all the stupid crap you pulled during that time in your life (hell, 95% of you are STILL AT that time in your life) but were lucky enough to not kill yourself or anyone else.

I have to deal with the mess left behind when some idiot was doing 105+ on the highway and didn't see the other car because they were too busy trying to get their hgh speed run on film.

Face it... being young, dumb, and full of cum is great. But for God's sake, DO NOT use the "I'd-only-hurt-myself" rational as a reason for doing something you already know is asinine and would qualify you for a Darwin Award should the outcome go other than planned.

For instance: the idiot on the go-cart jumping a ramp and landing on his face, the idiot hanging out the driver's side window of his redneck truck, the idiot that ran his car out of control up an embankment and into a crowd of people destroying someone else's car, the idiot that popped a wheelie dumping his g/f off the back of his bike (at speed), the idiot that went auto-x in a parking lot full of trees and very likely injured his passenger when his lost control in a solomn, the idiot doing donuts in an intersection in front of a cop, the idiot drifting around the blind corner and flipping his veh in front of an on-coming couple on a bike, the idiot doing 105 in a 65 that doesn't understand how radar works but isn't a kid...

I think you see where I'm going....
[post=398886]Quoted post[/post]​

young dumb and full of cum.. haha i haven't heard that for ages.

Ok you're an insurance adjustor or something, right? I read or heard on the news somewhere that teenage to 25 yr old females are simply more dangerous on the road nowadays than teenage to 25 yr old males, yet still pay less for insurance rates... any truth to that or not?
Originally posted by ahedau@Oct 5 2004, 11:34 PM
I have to deal with the mess left behind when some idiot was doing 105+ on the highway and didn't see the other car because they were too busy trying to get their hgh speed run on film.

Are you a EMT or volunteer firefighter or something? I'm just wondering if you're talking from personal experience you have to clean these things up or that you meant in general that the rest of us have to deal with it?

...I dont normally post shit like this, but Saturday at about 3:30 in the morning one of my friends fell asleep at the wheel. Wound up on the grass, where all the dew was, he was probably doing a good 80mph atleast, and probably when he went to countersteer oversteered like hell and wound up doing a bunch of nice 360's and ending up in some trees. The passenger needed the jaws of life to cut him out but he was fine. My friend wasnt so lucky and is in a coma right now. They just medically induced a deeper coma via the usage of drugs to allow his body to shut down to just very basic functions like pumping blood and breathing, in an attempt to allow his brain to heal. He has a tube going in his head, which had some nice bloody CSF (cerebral spinal fluid...not something that you ever want to actually see come out of you, because that means you're in deep shit). The kid had a collapsed lung and went without oxygen for about 4 minutes - possiblely brain dead - and added to that by smacking his head real good for some massive head trauma. End result = Broken collar bone, broken pelvis, broken ocular bone, collapsed lung, severe head trauma, deep coma, stitches, bruising -- possible death or brain deadness.

So if you're an EMT and cleaning up messes like my friends wreck :worthy:

I'll never get over a story of some drunk kids hitting a tree without their seatbelts on about a half dozen years ago and my Uncle and his friends that were volunteer firefighters and EMT's talking about how they had to wash the brains and guts off the road...terrible thing to ever have to go through.

Why do I post this shit, I mean everyone always posts about wrecks happening to guys on bikes and not to street race and what not but this obviously hit close to home with me.

My friend was known to drive fast and had crashed his first and possibly his second car before he crashed this one, but the point is...it was a stupid mistake. I drive long distances and get sleepy sometimes. This kind of shit could happen to any one of us...even with a passenger in the car he fell asleep and made this traggic mistake.

Seem stupid and all? Well, to give a little background I *JUST* turned 19 about a week and a half ago. Last year one of my other friends was murdered...shot 5 times in the Bronx - they know his killer...some rich kid that owns a mansion in NYC but they can't pin it to him, when I was younger a wrestling buddy of mine was rolled over by a boulder when we were about 12 or so and now this happened. This is just people my age. I live in a quiet town, its not dead...maybe about 3000 people or so... 1 1/2 mile by 1 1/2 mile and I've experienced this short of shit in my life already with just kids my age.

I'm sure some of you guys have had rough lives and all, but shit like this really puts it into perspective how valueable life is and how easy it can be taken away.

Will I slow down? Possibly a little, probably not...but I know damn sure that I'll be even more aware of my surroundings, always put my belt on, and definately not ever allow myself to do something like fall asleep behind the wheel.

Drive safe out there - and be sure not to just watch out not to hurt yourself, but watch for other idiots who can possibly hurt you.

Cliff notes - Possibly fatal accident happened to a childhood friend that I grew up with from a stupid mistake.

Stupid mistakes can mean the difference between life and death.

Props to anyone who read all that
Originally posted by revolution8k+Oct 6 2004, 12:03 AM-->
@Oct 5 2004, 11:34 PM
first of all im no kid,
...pointing this out only lends credence that you are...
second there was only one other car on the road and he had to be going 120, so i kept a 15 car difference, only would have hurt myself. Restricted liscense was for a dui because
everything after "because" is irrelevant.

the "I'd-only-hurt-myself" mentality is why single males under 25 pay astronomical insurance rates. When it comes to making judgement calls, for whatever reason, our brains no longer function properly from puberty until we're about 25.

Don't agree? Maybe you damaged too many brain cells and can't remember all the stupid crap you pulled during that time in your life (hell, 95% of you are STILL AT that time in your life) but were lucky enough to not kill yourself or anyone else.

I have to deal with the mess left behind when some idiot was doing 105+ on the highway and didn't see the other car because they were too busy trying to get their hgh speed run on film.

Face it... being young, dumb, and full of cum is great. But for God's sake, DO NOT use the "I'd-only-hurt-myself" rational as a reason for doing something you already know is asinine and would qualify you for a Darwin Award should the outcome go other than planned.

For instance: the idiot on the go-cart jumping a ramp and landing on his face, the idiot hanging out the driver's side window of his redneck truck, the idiot that ran his car out of control up an embankment and into a crowd of people destroying someone else's car, the idiot that popped a wheelie dumping his g/f off the back of his bike (at speed), the idiot that went auto-x in a parking lot full of trees and very likely injured his passenger when his lost control in a solomn, the idiot doing donuts in an intersection in front of a cop, the idiot drifting around the blind corner and flipping his veh in front of an on-coming couple on a bike, the idiot doing 105 in a 65 that doesn't understand how radar works but isn't a kid...

I think you see where I'm going....
[post=398886]Quoted post[/post]​

young dumb and full of cum.. haha i haven't heard that for ages.

Ok you're an insurance adjustor or something, right? I read or heard on the news somewhere that teenage to 25 yr old females are simply more dangerous on the road nowadays than teenage to 25 yr old males, yet still pay less for insurance rates... any truth to that or not?
[post=398906]Quoted post[/post]​

We're still the highest risk factor because of exactly what he said - our mentality - our decision making skills. Every guy thinks since he's a guy he's a race car driver. When I ride shotgun in my friend's cars I :ph34r: for my life many times for just this reason.

Statistically, new drivers and very old drivers get into the most accidents - not counting accidents because of DUI and stuff
He's an insurance adjuster... so he gets to see it, decide how much it's worth, just not clean it up.
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Oct 6 2004, 12:13 AM
He's an insurance adjuster... so he gets to see it, decide how much it's worth, just not clean it up.
[post=398918]Quoted post[/post]​

Fun stuff.

I'd like to see my friends car.

It was a red 3000GT SL, now its probably a tin can
No. I do not scrap people's remains up at the scene of the accident nor do i ever get anywhere near the loss location.

As an insurance adjuster I simply have the pleasure of talking to the family of everyone involved afterwards. "I'm sincerely sorry to hear about your loss.." is an oft repeated phrase of mine.

I know that I drive different than I did before I started handling these type claims.

I also know that I have a conservative position on street racing & other acts of lunacy behind the wheel of a car on PUBLIC roads.

However, get on a track and I'll either pass you outright or "rattle your cage" and get by you. I enjoy all kinds of racing (okay, not drag racing, sorry) and wish I could do more than auto-x but I feel ALL racing belongs off the streets no matter how deserted they appear or how late at night it is.

As for young, single girls becoming more dangerous....yes, females are loosing the foothold they once had on common sense behind the wheel.

They, as a class, are starting to assert equal rights in that department as well. While the haven't actually deteriorated to the point that we are at, they are getting worse at an alarming rate.

And, yes, their rates are increasing to keep up with them.
Ironically, today at work we got an e-mail about women drivers..make that girl drivers...getting worse.

A key statistic in measuring trends is the number of fatalities per 1000 crashes. In 1990 that figure was 160 deaths per 1000 crashes for females between 16-20. For guys; 212. In 2000 the number of single females aged 16-20 that had fatal crashes went up to 172. During the same period guys the same age went down around 206.

No one really knows why girls are getting worse. Personally, I think its because as a society we are starting to see a homolagation (i just made that word up) of the sexes. In other words we are becoming androgynous.

In our quest to be PC we are telling guys to stop acting like---well, guys and telling young ladies that its okay for them to act like--you guessed it--guys.

look at the popular guy actors; Leonardo DeCrapio, Matt Damon, Tom Cruise, Toby McGuire, etc. Short, effeminent, non threatening men. Whatever happened to machismo? look at the male models in any magazine, especially those that cater to teenaged girls...

okay, completely off topic.. I'll stop now..