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does anyone know if there are any plug and play programmers out there for obd0 engines? like hypertech or greddy or anything like that? I've been looking but the only ones I can find you have to pull your whole ecu apart and I'm not a big fan of that.

piggybacks don't work good at all. the ecu still ovver-rides most of what they can do.
chipping (using turboedit or BRE) is your best options
i would like to know this also, like whats needed to do it, i know the program is free but whare can i get the cables to go from my laptop to the ecu and how does it work
Welcome to! : Moates.Net has all the cables and chips and etc that you could ever want or need.

Its not hard to use--- the problem lies in that you need to know what you're doing to tune the car properly (ie, keeping the a/f ratio in check, along with timing). There's a ton of basemaps around to use as a starting point.
you WILL need a wideband 02 to tune with.
any how to's on this? like "for a b16 using a pr3 you need xxx cables, and xxxprograms.. and whare can i find a wideband o2 and why do i need it?