scene it - hondas in movies (the more obscure or briefly visible, the better)

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Shit, I've only seen some in commericals lately....I think it might a Carl's Jr. commercial, but there's a red CRX with a HUGE spoiler. But that's all I can contribute.... :(
there's some shitty bodywash commercials with a orange crx with a huge wing, viewed from the back
Theres a 92-95 hatch in the car lot in Transformers when he goes to buy a car. Gets its windows blown to shit. :(
Quite a few Hondas in this movie... :ph34r:

Ive seen that before. The Last Race haha. Its actually a pretty good short film.

Theres one in Old school to. 97 maybe? 4 door
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'Be Cool' silver Honda Insight :D
One in The Punisher, love that movie. Scene where hes talking to buddy about being upset and why no one was arrested and that in fact he is alive.
good one - i don't remember it, but i'll keep an eye out on my next rewatch ;)
Every opening of "Full House".. There is a red 90-91 CRX in the background.

**Edit** Bah, just looked on youtube, they had like 15 different openings. I have no idea which one, but it was parked to the right side of their house.
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