ship under ground zero

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That is pretty neat. However, its pretty shitty that there has been next to no progress made at the site.
There's been a TON of progress, actually. You have to keep in mind, that this area is an entire city block.

1/8 of a mile by 1/8th of a mile.
It took like 3 years just to haul away the main debris.

perspective is everything.


This is a model of the proposed freedom tower.


lower manhattan island is over 2 miles wide where the WTC is located

an old map, but with a scale on it.

And, there has been some progress made on the freedom tower already. Its a good 10 stories from the looks of it. You can find more details here:
Home | Freedom Tower - 1WTC - One World Trade Center - New York City - a community project based on Ground Zero's rebuilding

Plus, the foundation is below sea level. Unlike uptown, there's limited bedrock to lag bolt these skyscrappers into. mid town has none, which is why there are much shorter building sin mid town (i don't think anything over 40-ish stories around times square)

you can see how the skyline of Manhattan is basically a "U". downtown is top, uptown is lower part of pic (looking south)
And since this was damaged with the fall of the WTC, the re-enforcements to hold the pressure of the entire atlantic ocean needs to be re-built :) not a small engineering task by any means.
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Thats interesting. I just wonder how they didn't find this when the WTC towers were originally built. They dug that site out down to bedrock (aside from the subway that was already there) before.
Lets hope some special intrest group does not get its panties in a twist and force a major dig.
Wasn't the world trade center site more than just "one" city block? I thought they ripped up a few streets and turned like 16 1/12th mile blocks into one giant plaza.

All I know is that the WTC site alone would come close to be encompassing the entire area of downtown Ft Wayne, and then some.
thats pretty interesting. i'm a big history nerd myself so this will have me doing some serious reading/research on the net for the next few days