Snap yo!

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Ok, so last night i was drinking at my friend's apartment up in the city (ROchester, NY) and, like a responsible adult, I passed out there instead of driving home. I wake up, go to leave and go back to my beautiful fiancee, and I find all 4 of my tires slashed. Yay! Fucking asshats :/ SO now I got a nice renatl Caddy via Enterprise, waiting for the dealer to decide if the rims are too fucked to repair. Hooray for me! A side note, being stranded at home today, (woman had the wheels), I got bored and did this...

gay, i know, but i think it looks cool, so eat me!
some friends huh,instead of flashing i would be slashing someones tires

and thats a cool effect on the controller :p lol
damnit what the hell does that mean?
haha thanks, it was really easy to do once i figured out where the power and ground was on the wiring harness. took maybe an hour, and thats with dremelling and everything. I used a guide I got off "teh int4rweb", but that really only helped as a beginning... thanks for the props tho

oh, and johnny... i ro.,ors your bo.,ors you non-typing fool :p
That sucks that your tires got slashed, but my Xbox controller is far superior--and faster, it's Samba Green Pearl. :)
i thought u got drunk and used white out on the controler
I live in Rochester, NY. You dont leave nice cars parked in the city or actually i have heard of that shit happening even in the brubs. Fucking hatars.