Sometimes I feel I'm right too often

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I'm just about that action Boss.
I get the feeling I'm right too often and someone is speaking mis-information. I got in the habit of correcting them, if it isn't a boss, or colleague. I'm guessing its from being on here. Like, if someone posts something, and its incorrect and you can search and prove them wrong, its easily done, and in life, it isn't that easy. People get annoyed, and in many instances I find I bicker about meaningless crap now.

My gf just said we need a break because of the bickering. I love this girl to death. But now she wants us to do our "own" thing, while I do that already 5 days a week because of my work schedule in seattle, and her being up here in bellingham. Now I'm here beaten down without her at my side, and lost because of my costant need to be right.
I get the feeling I'm right too often and someone is speaking mis-information. I got in the habit of correcting them, if it isn't a boss, or colleague. I'm guessing its from being on here. Like, if someone posts something, and its incorrect and you can search and prove them wrong, its easily done, and in life, it isn't that easy. People get annoyed, and in many instances I find I bicker about meaningless crap now.

My gf just said we need a break because of the bickering. I love this girl to death. But now she wants us to do our "own" thing, while I do that already 5 days a week because of my work schedule in seattle, and her being up here in bellingham. Now I'm here beaten down without her at my side, and lost because of my costant need to be right.

I'm the sort of the same way......My girlfriend used to call sweatshirts, sweaters or use words incorrectly and I would say you mean (this word). I guess that can be annoying.

I don't see how you would fight over that though. And no offense but when someone says "we should do our own thing" 9/10 they have an interest in someone else.

Sorry to hear that though god knows I know how much that sucks
I sort of feel like I'm always right, but I've learned to pick my battles.

I also have a bad habit of not letting my wife finish a sentence before I put my .02 in, and it drives her crazy.

Just gotta find something else to occupy your mind and your time until she decides what she wants. You're young, you've got a lot of life to live yet, get out there and have some fun and chalk this one up to experience.
I would have to agree with corvette guy on this one. most times ( coming from a girl) when a girl says " I just think we should do our own thing" she has met someone else and wants to see how that pans out. If you guys aren't living that close to each other it can be a strain on your relationship and sometimes you up end finding something you weren't looking for to begin with. And honestly you seem strong so being "beaten down" without her by your side might be a good thing. You will always be there for you no matter what and its YOU thats gonna help you get thru the hard shit.
We go to the same school. I just am graduating, and go 85 miles to work for 3-4 days a week to make better money than I make here.

Thanks for your words of wisdom. I am always strong by myself. I got through 3 years of college bouncing chick to chick and all high school. I always was the most successful of my friends and had the most chicks chasing me, until last year when I saw one I liked. It sucks, cuz I woke up alone today and I haven't seen her since yesterday morning and I'm not used to it. It's those little things that are gonna kill. But like you said. I'm strong. I'm the charismatic person in the room everyone is sucked into. The one that creates the plans, and the one that gets along with everyone. Every girl I've ever dated, hates it to some degree.

Edit: I didn't mean to sound conceited. I just needed to try and build myself back up. Its not working, but ehh fake it before you make it.
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I get the feeling I'm right too often and someone is speaking mis-information. I got in the habit of correcting them, if it isn't a boss, or colleague. I'm guessing its from being on here. Like, if someone posts something, and its incorrect and you can search and prove them wrong, its easily done, and in life, it isn't that easy. People get annoyed, and in many instances I find I bicker about meaningless crap now.

My gf just said we need a break because of the bickering. I love this girl to death. But now she wants us to do our "own" thing, while I do that already 5 days a week because of my work schedule in seattle, and her being up here in bellingham. Now I'm here beaten down without her at my side, and lost because of my costant need to be right.

So? If she's too arrogant to have her ignorance corrected, you're better off without her.
I correct my gf all the time on little trivial shit like the proper use of the phrase: "point in case" (as she insists on saying "point and case" :roll:).
I know she finds it annoying, but when other people listen to you butcher phrases like that, they perceive you as unintelligent. And if no one corrects her, she'll keep on saying it wrong.
You're trying to help the person, and if they can't realize that, fuck em, let them wallow in their ignorance.
Nah man, that doesn't sound right...not at all. I'm not saying you're wrong for doing that, I just hope I don't do that that often. I know my gf does it too when I say the wrong saying, but I do it back and that's the bickering.

I'm one of those assertive dudes. Not like I'll start something, but same thing, I'll correct little shit, and not let them get in a word edgewise. I'm not a competitive dude, but its like I find myself yearning for recognition and for the gospel, oh he's so smart, when in reality I come across as an arrogant know it all.

Yeah I don't know much. But I know a little info about a lot of different topics. Some call it well rounded, but really its an epidemic of me trying to assimilate to conversations and assert myself. I'm a really laid back guy about everything, but I do know this as a person is a bad trait to have and hurts my character and recognition when I leave a room.

At my young age, I'd hate to have my character traits fixed as an egomaniac. And this age is when I can try and change it before 23-24 because that's when your character will never really change again, just alter slightly.
dude, i was exactly like you at your age. it will wear out with maturity, if you control it now.

heres something i try to remember. if your friend says, "canadia". nobody will care. but if you correct him and tell him it's "canada". people will remember it.

you just have to have the desire to not be a douche. i'm still a douche, just not to people i know and care about.
So? If she's too arrogant to have her ignorance corrected, you're better off without her.
I correct my gf all the time on little trivial shit like the proper use of the phrase: "point in case" (as she insists on saying "point and case" :roll:).
I know she finds it annoying, but when other people listen to you butcher phrases like that, they perceive you as unintelligent. And if no one corrects her, she'll keep on saying it wrong.
You're trying to help the person, and if they can't realize that, fuck em, let them wallow in their ignorance.

Actaully the correct way to say that is Case In Point - google it.:D

case in point
a specific example of what one is talking about. Now, as a case in point, let's look at nineteenth-century England. Fireworks can be dangerous. For a case in point, look at what happened to Bob Smith last Fourth of July.
I'll correct little shit, and not let them get in a word edgewise. .

umm How do you get IN A WORD edgewise? that just seems impossible (I think you mean "I dont let them get A WORD IN edgewise.) And while were on the subject how the hell do you turn a phrase?!?!
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I'm an educated son of a bitch. I read a book almost every day. If something sparks my interest I'll go find a book. It's stupid. I compare JIT management style versus traditional inventory management at my work all the time just because I read a bit about it the night before. Or other little tiny shit. I read 2 papers a day, read, and I'm honestly, like nick said, a douche.

I get exactly what nick's saying about people will remember the correction, not what was said. I want to leave a room being liked.
Actaully the correct way to say that is Case In Point - google it.:D

case in point
a specific example of what one is talking about. Now, as a case in point, let's look at nineteenth-century England. Fireworks can be dangerous. For a case in point, look at what happened to Bob Smith last Fourth of July.
Fuck you! yeah, I must be dyslexic today. Wow. I actually do say "case in point" and she says "case and point" I have no idea why I typed them both backwards :huh: I guess I was focused on the prepositional vs. conjunctive aspects, not the nouns.

And quit being so anal retentive! It's so annoying when someone corrects you all the time! :D
just to all of us here :ph34r:

nice 10k there nick
this is my second time reaching 10k. old posts got deleted.

I get exactly what nick's saying about people will remember the correction, not what was said. I want to leave a room being liked.
something i have started doing recently, and something i'll teach my kids.

treat everyone as if you are going to need a favor from them. picture how they will judge you for what you are about to say. will that make them not help you tomorrow? would someone be happy to pull over and help you change a tire?
Exactly how I want to be. Something, I guess I am like 75% of the time. I'm very reliable.
After reading some of these posts, I have a different perspective on this.

I don't have a need, or even a want, to have everyone in a room "like" me, if I have to censor myself or how I speak or act. Having said that, I wouldn't correct someone at a party for using a phrase incorrectly, but I'd rather just be myself and if you don't like me, that's quite alright with me.
After reading some of these posts, I have a different perspective on this.

I don't have a need, or even a want, to have everyone in a room "like" me, if I have to censor myself or how I speak or act. Having said that, I wouldn't correct someone at a party for using a phrase incorrectly, but I'd rather just be myself and if you don't like me, that's quite alright with me.

true, but you can only live like that if you are a nice, genuine and sincere person. if you are an asshole, then it will piss people off and make them not want to be around you.

businesswise, it's a bad move. it's called diplomacy. sometimes you say more by not saying anything at all.