still want that flu shot?

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yeah im thinking 68% prolly fake im just unsure so far. to me she slips up a few times in the interviews, not just the ones b posted but the others like fox news
thats pretty fucked up, and ill be the party downer, and say that the "walk it out" video is in very bad taste....
I agree. I didn't even watch the whole thing.

Any vaccine is either a dead or weak injection of the actual virus/disease/etc. It's never at full strength. The idea is that your body makes immunities to kill the weakened version, then when it comes into contact with it again, it has antibodies to fight the full strength version. A very simplified idea of how a vaccine works, but a general overview.

That being said, I can't remember the last time I received a vaccine for anything.
werd...maybe i'll get to take a sick day by saying 'i've never gotten a flu shot and haven't gotten the flu in memorable history'
damn that bitch!

another attention whore like the baloon parents. Why do these people just get left to run free? Surely they deserve some kind of fine
well to make lite of the subject id hit it lol. even in the middle of a dystonia fit haha
I call bullshit. It's a publicity stunt. Then she is going to be magically cured and the redskins will offer her a tryout and take her just to be part of the spectacular story. The whole thing is P-fucking-R.

Plus, if you look up Dystonia, it is pretty easily treatable. Botox would fix that shit. Seriously, look it up...

Had you fully read the article about botox injections you would have seen that the botox injections are a temporary solution (lasting 2-3 months) and are only used with people that have localized dystonia (bob dole kinda stuff). Where as the cheerleader chick has general dystonia and the only viable help she has is shit like xanax and other muscle relaxers (probably why she looked out of it when she was on the couch during that interview).

I still think it is fake

I motherfuckin' told you it was fake.

What a twat

yeah im thinking 68% prolly fake im just unsure so far. to me she slips up a few times in the interviews, not just the ones b posted but the others like fox news

Ya right on!!
They should snip a nerve and give her REAL Dystonia. How's it feel now you cry wolf cunt snarfer
Obviously a hoax perpetrated by Big Pharma to dispel legitimate cases of vaccination induced health problems.

I'm adding a few layers to my tin foil hat.
You want dystonia? Hit that bitch in the head a couple times with a rock, then she can say they stone'd ya.