Sun roof. Integra RS

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ok, so i would love a sun roof, but i have a 95 Integra RS as my current project car. Im not a big body guy, so i would love some help/guidance.

Basically, i want a sunroof and i dont have one. to have a body shop do it its 1200 bucks!
How will my internals differ from a integra with a sunroof, i would like to try a sunroof swap. Perhaps cut a whole in my roof, and attach the assembly from another integra?
How hard is this going to be, if anyone has done this.
Attatching a full assembly from an integra would be a total pain in the ass. look into an aftermarket sunroof. You can do it yourself and save a load of cash, or have an accessory shop (usually tint shops, stereo, etc) will usually offer the service for much, much cheaper. Just make sure and research them and get a first hand look at their work before you commit. When pricing one for a car a couple of years ago, (I never did get it) I found several decent setups for $400-600 installed.
Or you could be like my RS. I have the rare JDM trunk sunroof. That being I have an un-installed Integra sunroof sitting in my trunk. Maybe by next summer I'll get around to getting it put in.

And don't do it yourself. If this install gets screwed up your car is essentially totaled (unibody FTW). A shop's insurance would pay for their mistake. You would pay for yours.
get a cheap gs shell or live without. most aftermarket sunroofs look like ass or leak, plus the wiring and switches don't look as good as a factory setup. it's not worth it imo. sunroofs are overrated.