take the minitrucker test

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I got a 49%

If you scored less than 50% you should go to the nearest dealer and buy a honda. If you scored 51%-75% you have a good working knowledge of being a minitrucker and are on your way to greatness. If you scored 76%-90% you are a minitruckin elitist. 90% or better, You are god and should get a sex change and marry me.

Sounds good to me :p B)
You are 59 % minitrucker

so mini truckers hate hondas huh?
You are 52 % minitrucker

Originally posted by reckedracing@Mar 1 2005, 05:50 PM
so mini truckers hate hondas huh?
[post=467849]Quoted post[/post]​

Yes, unreasonably so. They hate Hondas like the KKK hates black people. I don't quite understand why, because the Honda crowd barely gives a rat's ass about the MT crew.

:bdn: there knows what my general opinion of the minitruck crowd is. :lol:
they hate hondas like the KKK loves black people? so they should NOT hate hondas, cuz the KKK does NOT love black people. :p
You are 43 % minitrucker

If you scored less than 50% you should go to the nearest dealer and buy a honda. If you scored 51%-75% you have a good working knowledge of being a minitrucker and are on your way to greatness. If you scored 76%-90% you are a minitruckin elitist. 90% or better, You are god and should get a sex change and marry me.