Tax refund scam

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
Watch out if you get this in your email. it is a bad fishing scam. your money is in danger. The government WILL NOT contact you via email. They DO NOT KNOW YOUR NUMBERS...
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i just want word to get out. it's pretty convincing for people who don't know the internet. but it's not about them getting your tax refund, when they get your ssn etc, it's catastrophic.
Lmao, who would look at this and say "Here you go! My credit card number, the code on the back and even the pin number I use at the ATM!" I mean I can understand the social because of filing taxes requires your social but c'mon. I would like to meet the kind of people that fall for this just to see what they were thinking.



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hey, this happens a lot, i'll see if i can find some articles.

here is a link to the REAL IRS warning about this.
IRS Warns of e-Mail Scam about Tax Refunds

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued a consumer alert about an Internet scam in which consumers receive an e-mail informing them of a tax refund. The e-mail, which claims to be from the IRS, directs the consumer to a link that requests personal information, such as Social Security number and credit card information.
This scheme is an attempt to trick the e-mail recipients into disclosing their personal and financial data. The practice is called “phishing” for information.
The information fraudulently obtained is then used to steal the taxpayer’s identity and financial assets. Generally, identity thieves use someone’s personal data to steal his or her financial accounts, run up charges on the victim’s existing credit cards, apply for new loans, credit cards, services or benefits in the victim’s name and even file fraudulent tax returns.
The bogus e-mail, which claims to come from "" tells the recipient that he or she is eligible to receive a tax refund for a given amount. It then says that, to access a form for the tax refund, the recipient must use a link contained in the e-mail. The link then asks for the personal and financial information.
The IRS does not ask for personal identifying or financial information via unsolicited e-mail. Additionally, taxpayers do not have to complete a special form to obtain a refund.
If you receive an unsolicited e-mail purporting to be from the IRS, take the following steps:
  • Do not open any attachments to the e-mail, in case they contain malicious code that will infect your computer.

  • Contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to determine whether the IRS is trying to contact you about a tax refund.
The IRS has seen numerous attempts over the years to defraud the public and the federal government through a variety of schemes, including abusive tax avoidance transactions, identity theft, claims for slavery reparations, frivolous arguments and more. More information on these schemes may be found on the criminal enforcement page at