The Coolest Cop Ever

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Tonight me and Louis were gonna race a BMW M3 in his car,(H22 Accord)out on this road where no one is ever one, its like a country road that is pretty strait, 2 lanes, etc... Well we turn around at the light and are rolling slow, like 5 mph, and Louis and the guy in the beamer both punch it, just as he shifts into 3rd, we see lights, its one of those deals where we thought, where the fuck did he come from you know. Louis is freakin out cause he cant get another ticket or it violates his probation etc etc. The cops goes to the M3 first and there talking and laughin and shit, then he come to us and asks us what the popping sound coming from our car was,( he hasa 75 shot of ZEX) we tell him we dont know and maybe he just missed a gear. The cop went back to his car and came back and told both of us to not be racing any more and that all the other cops woulda given us a ticket. Then he asked who won, hehe

You gotta understand, cops around here are such dickheads about imports and racing and crap like that. that cop was just cool. Any of you have any cool cop stories, cause there arent very many cool cops. or nice ones at least.
if your retarded friend is on probation, why the fuck is he folling around? I hope he looses his license.
Originally posted by IDMaxGuy@Jul 27 2003, 02:47 AM
Any of you have any cool cop stories, cause there arent very many cool cops. or nice ones at least.

When I was in the 5th grade I moved from Portland to some little town named Lebanon to live with my dad, Population 12k. Well my father was the Mayor there when I was young so ALL the cops on the force think my last name is gold. I got out of bringing a knife to school, curfew, racing. I even accidently pulled out in front of a cop once, he had to slam on his brakes (parking was impeeding my ability to see oncomming). Living there ruled :lol:
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jul 27 2003, 10:13 AM
if your retarded friend is on probation, why the fuck is he folling around? I hope he looses his license.

I don't know, he shouldn't be folling around like that
When I totalled my Civic, I was charged with racing, speeding, no intent for human life, and of course, I was supposed to lose my liscence. Well, I just called a friend of the family who is a cop, told him my situation, and he got me a lawyer. The lawyer told me he was going to do the case for free for a favor of my friend who is the cop. He got all of the charges dropped. I could not believe it. So some cops can be cool.
When I totalled my Civic, I was charged with racing, speeding, no intent for human life, and of course, I was supposed to lose my liscence. Well, I just called a friend of the family who is a cop, told him my situation, and he got me a lawyer. The lawyer told me he was going to do the case for free for a favor of my friend who is the cop. He got all of the charges dropped. I could not believe it. So some cops can be cool.

Sounds like my story w/out the 2 nights in central booking, and that my HERO cop was my uncle.

OH yeah, licence gone for 60 days.
One night I was leaving work and was anxious to get home. It was late at night. I saw some of my friends out in the parking lot talking. I thought it would be cool to do a little burnout for my friends. So I revved high and dumped the clutch in my old pickup. Smoke was everywhere. I started to leave the lot when all of a sudden a cop, on foot, jumped in front of my truck and I stopped. He was parked and talking to my friends. (go figure) :blink: He gave me a ticket for wreckless driving. Yeah, it was fun. :shakes head in embarassment: That has to be one of the most moronic things I have ever done. Luckly, my family is friends with the Sherrif so I got out of it. Now that I think about it, that was pretty damn funny. :roll:
First one was, we were out racing in a place called moorseville (its an exit off the highway 10 min away from my house, and its absolutely deserted), so we all jump on the highway and go out there, well we were lining up for the first race and all of a sudden a cop comes flying up from behind us (from where there's only a dirt road off into the middle of no where) and nabs my friend FlipEnd47 for not having his lights on....he said he knew what we were doing and didn't have a problem with it, but he was out there investigating a murder, which now to think about it is kinda freaky since we raced out there all the time.....

Second one really wasn't all that funny I was riding with my friend to the bank to get some money to go to the track, (this is at 11:00 pm with no traffic, we were going to Midnight madness at the drag strip to run a friends b16 rex) and hes flyin doin 60 in a 45 (this road is wide and straight but the speed limit is so low just to nab people) well we get all the way back to the spot, and the cop just pulls up next to us and says "son, i know u kids like to have fun but theres no reason to do 60 in a 45, keep it safe cause next time ill right ya the ticket", and then he drove off....

Third is actually two, one of my uncles best friends is a cop and when he used to have to do traffic duty he'd sit out where u could see him from a mile away with the radar gun hanging out the window, and as long as u slowed down he didn't care, but if u didnt' he pulled you over cause he was pissed that u made him have to that same cop is a vice cop (and a damn good one) but he was with my dad and uncle when they were buying my friends and I a whole buncha booze for my friends graduation party....he didn't care as long as we didn't drive anywhere, hes actually a pretty cool guy.
well out here in henderson i all about who you know...i was on an open road with my buddy driving (ford escort) its a 35mph and we were doin bout 80 all of the sudden brightest damn headlights ive everseen and we cant see any more we think its some jack ass in his suv so he hits the gas when we get far enough away he pulled us over, it was my buddies neighbor, he warned us and let us go (after cerfue no head lights) and another time i did 65 in a 35 and when he got out of the car he had his hand on his gun and i said ah crap im in trouble got put in hand cuffs for 30 min he told me i was goin to jail (what an ass) said he thought the car was stolen (saturns are just that high on the to steal list) and i dont know if any one has noticed but in las vegs or henderson if some one gets shot 1 cop shows up 30min later but if you get pulled over for speeding it will be 2-4 cops after the first one in about 2 min
Wow. You are one lucky man, don't excpet to get off the hook like that everytime. Drag racing will ruin your insurance rates fo sho.
Originally posted by t0pk0w@Jul 27 2003, 10:36 PM
well out here in henderson

Henderson, NC???

If so, my parents have a lake house on Lake Gaston up there. Its real nice, its great for relaxing on the weekend. :D
A couple of years ago, my motorcycle was stolen. I called the cops expecting to get the usual run around. I got off the phone, and no more than 5-7 minutes later, a cop was already at my door. He came in, took my report, and then as he was about to leave, he noticed a swimsuit model-type calendar hanging on my wall. He did a double take and then started flipping through it commenting on each chick.
Then he promised me he was gonna make this case his top priority. I figured he was feeding me a line, but less than a day later, I heard someone knocking on my door. IT was the same cop, and he had my bike with him. He decided to save me the hassle of going to impound (very cool!)

The bike had been stripped mostly though, so I settled with insurance. I actually ended up getting more in insurance than I paid for the bike in the first place.

While this was very very cool, IT's the only positive experience that I've had with cops. <_<