The girl just wants to go to grad school.

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Stern should offer to double the bid if he can film it and release it on DVD, with the royalties she might not even need grad school
that bitch isnt a virgin,,she probably already run train with the whole football team,,just look at her,look what shes doing,and where shes dong it...THE BUNNY RANCH for god sake
she could get a easy few million just by the act alone, if she holds out long enough for the big dogs to pick up her scent
shes doing it at the bunny ranch because thats and one other place is the only place its legal
video disabled? wtf.

anyway, there is no way a chick survived an enitre undergrad career a virgin. At least not an attractive one like that.
i mean shit, even I got laid on a regular basis in college....
video disabled? wtf.

anyway, there is no way a chick survived an enitre undergrad career a virgin. At least not an attractive one like that.
i mean shit, even I got laid on a regular basis in college....
That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard, I hope some old dieing geezer comes up with $98491483.67, no way she could turn that down. :D
i thought the zodiac killer identity possibly being known was a much cooler video (link on same page as the virgin vagina woman's vid) - esp. because the news anchorwoman's name was kris pickel. i bet she gets harrassed :P