Think the other child abuse stories are bad?

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Aparently you have had a pretty easy life... Still doesnt put any shock in me.. If you havent figured out that there are crazy people out there that will do anything and expect your worst nightmares to come true. Then well .... Be prepared to be shock and amazed every day of your life...

To me this is no different than any other horrible child death story.
This makes me want to cry. But, the ones that get me worse are the ones where they choke, shake or, beat the baby. Shooting someone, to me, is the 'simple fast easy' way to try to kill someone. Almost can be done without really thinking, as where, if you're beating someone to death, you pretty much have to plan that.

Either way, it's grotesque and foul. I hope they find this fucker... and this is why I won't live in Sacramento anymore.
Yeah. I've had a fucking breeze of a life. In fact, I live in Lolliland where My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake play patty cakes all day. You don't know shit about my past, dude. I've worked extremely hard to distance myself from it and the man I am now is nowhere near the monster I used to be.
you forgot rainbow brite and the care bears
Yeah. I've had a fucking breeze of a life. In fact, I live in Lolliland where My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake play patty cakes all day. You don't know shit about my past, dude. I've worked extremely hard to distance myself from it and the man I am now is nowhere near the monster I used to be.

Well I dont feel like arguing right now , but OK !! Whatever you say man...
Arguing with him about his own past? Hmm. Okay. Sounds like an argument you're SURE to win.
Thank you. Besides, most of the older members, whether they believe me or not, know as much of my past as I've talked about.

Beating kids doesn't bother me as much because I've it seen first hand more times than I care to think of. Mothers killing their own children out of mental illness doesn't bother me as much because of the mental illness. That's at least some reason to kill a child you know...regardless of how bad that reason is, it still exists. I draw a definite distinction at serial killers, too.

Someone walking outside and shooting a 7 mo. old in a car seat shocks me because there's no reason for it. The baby was far too young to even talk, let alone testify. There's no need to kill that witness because he's not a witness.

Thank you, but you can shut the fuck up with talking about me like you know me. You don't know shit about me little boy. You don't know shit about the work I've done in the last six years to change myself from who I used to be. You just see who I am today as a result of that work. Think I'm aggressive now? You should talk to someone who knew me around 10 years ago. Even my friends were scared of me.

I dont know where the fuck your getting this shit from BUDDY!!!! I could give a fuck less about what you have seen or havent seen or even done. If you would chill the fuck out Mr. Asshole. Then you can see that I am arguing the fact that someone just shooting the fuckin 7month old kid in the head isnt that shocking. Yeah it sux. And yeah its an awful thing for someone to do. But everyday I hear the same ol bullshit. Mother ripped off her 2 year old arms and buried the kid in the back yard, Father shot wife and 3 kids in the head. Same ol bullshit. And just to hear the lil baby got shot in the head sitting in a car seat. Doesnt even make me flinch..

Btw where the fuck do you get me saying that " I act like I know you". If you can read.
Aparently you have had a pretty easy life... Still doesnt put any shock in me.. If you havent figured out that there are crazy people out there that will do anything and expect your worst nightmares to come true. Then well .... Be prepared to be shock and amazed every day of your life...
The reason I say this is because your making a big deal about it. Making it sound like its the worse thing you have ever heard happen. Yeah, again it sux that it happened.

You act like your the only one that has been around violence and anger your whole life.. My life has been full of fucked up shit!! Thats why this doesnt bother me.
Sad situation. This is horrible and a shock that the killer is probably laughing about it right now.
Seriously, boostedf22, don't even try to disagree w/ Blanco. Even if you agree w/ him, he'll argue argue argue argue, then put you on his dreaded ignore list.

This "conversation" doesn't even make sense:

Well I dont feel like arguing right now , but OK !! Whatever you say man...
Arguing with him about his own past? Hmm. Okay. Sounds like an argument you're SURE to win.
NO!!!! The fact that what happened is soo shocking !!!!
Thank you, but you can shut the fuck up with talking about me like you know me. You don't know shit about me little boy. Blah blah blah blah blah. Even my friends were scared of me.
I dont know where the fuck your getting this shit from BUDDY!!!! I could give a fuck less about what you have seen or havent seen or even done. If you would chill the fuck out Mr. Asshole. Blah blah blah blahblah..... You act like your the only one that has been around violence and anger your whole life.. Blah blah blah...
Yeah. I totally think that I'm the only person in the world to see violence. You totally nailed me right on the head. I don't give a shit what you've seen or done. I'm not the one who's talking about someone's past like I know them. Blah blah blah... I used to roll with and around killers. Blah blah blah.... Fuck you and the conclusion gap you jumped.

God, this is hilarious.

As far as parental baby rape in NorCal...Google News can't find anything regarding this story...
Yeah. I totally think that I'm the only person in the world to see violence. You totally nailed me right on the head.

I don't give a shit what you've seen or done. I'm not the one who's talking about someone's past like I know them. You don't know what I've seen, done, overcome, or what I continue to deal with on a daily basis. I don't take kindly to people spitting in the face of that. I used to roll with and around killers. I know very well what kind of people exist in today's world. I don't need some ignorant fuck to tell me about it.

Do I think this is the worst thing that's ever happened? No, that's just what you want to think I'm saying because you're an ignorant piece of living shit who's incapable of seeing a very simple point because you're blinded by your own inferiority complex. Life's hardships aren't about a competition to me. Oh no, you mean the same kinds of things that happen all across the country happen where you live too? Holy fucking shit! That's some breaking news, son. You should call every radio station in the world to tell them! Ever hear about a one month old that was raped to death by her parents? Shattered her pelvis and literally tore her insides apart. They didn't even have the decency to bury her. Yep, one of the many things to happen in my area. Doesn't seem to make me miss the point of this story of this in the slightest. Fuck you and the conclusion gap you jumped.

You're now on my ignore list. It has nothing to do with how you feel on this matter and everything to do with your bullshit attitude. End of argument.

GOD DAMN thats some good crack your smoking !!!!!

Can someone please point out to me where the fuck I am talking about your past... Come on now!!! This smoke is good but fuckin-a . Not that good.

Another rant that makes absolutley no fuckin sense!!!!

Fuck you and your ignore list!!!!!
im ignoring you as well because you are annoying... and your perspective on life sucks... you FAIL
Last edited: Because I dont think its shocking that a 7 month old baby got shot in the a car seat... Because this shit happens on a regular basis. Just everyday news that some fucked up shit happened. Like I said. It sux. Not shocking.
Dude, I doubt a 7 month old gets shot on a regular basis. Sure, a lot of babies get killed; but shot, and in this manner? Because I dont think its shocking that a 7 month old baby got shot in the a car seat... Because this shit happens on a regular basis. Just everyday news that some fucked up shit happened. Like I said. It sux. Not shocking.

You assumed to know his past by saying 'Apparently you've had an easy life.' It IS shocking. What he's saying is... when you're an EMT, you see things first hand that make most people puke, cry, etc. After a while, you go numb. Same situation.
Oh, this would all be so much funnier if it didn't center around infanticide.

I'm not supporting, defending or endorsing either side in this little interweb battle. However, the world is an awful awful place. If you want further evidence:
Child-rape epidemic in South Africa
Really. An ~epidemic~ of baby rape.

So, how about everyone shut the hell up & go back to posting about hondas and swapping.