This is not good...

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WTf, I swear I was developing a way to do something almost exactly like this. Except mine would be mainly for cars imported and built in the US and main use in the US.

It would suck for people who feel the need to speed but every new car built and imported into the Us would have an intergrated GPS which sends your speed signal to whoever, *DOT for that specific state*. When they verify it was speeding, guess what the registered car owner gets in the mail?

It would drastically reduce insurance rates, lower highway patrol, most likely lower some other random state taxes because you know damn well people will still speed and be getting tickets in the mail, it would also keep the roads safer but your speed isn't limited. If you decided to modify your car, that's fine but it would be under a completely different class and not be able to be "street legal".

Every registered car would need to go through an inspection and installation of such device to make sure the device was active even in older vehicles. The states would have to come up with a new plate for the cars that do have it and eventually all registered cars would have this state specific plate.

But, even if I did finish it, I probably wouldn't release it because I like to speed.
Consumers won't let it happen because it's an invasion of privacy. The same goes for civil liberty groups.

Manufacturers won't let it happen because it takes out all the choice in buying high yield cars. What's the point of making cars that are exciting to drive and people are willing to pay more for if you can't ever enjoy them?

Even law enforcement agencies won't let it happen because guess what- quite a few cities base a LARGE part of their income on traffic citations. Sure, they say they want you to be safe- but if they never hand out any tickets, there would be no money coming in to the local government pockets.
even better, what of those who like to autocross or even track? you exceed the speed limit alot :)

i guess that would make weekend racers street illegal as well. think of all the pissedoff weekend warriors like me.
Doubt it will ever float in the US. Besides what happens when you tamper with it? does a red light go off that tells police officers to pull you over and check your sensers?
and that is how they try to cure leadfoot. everyone start doing leg presses with your right foot only! hey, it can make up for my abnormally large left thigh from my clutch. hahaha
Honda already did that in the late 80's/early 90's.

I know my CRX isn't the only one with a bold yellow '55' and the other numbers on the speedo smaller and white.

I'll disable the motherfucker. Said I would do that with daytime running lights too. And airbags. And yes, the airbag is coming out of the NX2000 ASAFP.

Next, I would like to toggle the ABS. All this shit irritates the hell out of me.
Just think about how much money each state/county would lose if they stoped giving speeding tickets out.
Even *if* it ever happened...

anything they put in, is just as easy to take out...(just like rev limiters/governers/ect..)

I wouldn't be too woried about it
I like the idea of using GPS to help deter speeding although I would work it a different way. I would use some sort of system that you could set up along the road like the speed limit signs that you see. That way the city, county or state could use them and still collect fines respectfully. With this sort of system you could randomly set your limit let say at 43 in a 35 one day then 41 in a 35 the next. If a vehicle runs by that station going over the preset limit then the registered owner would get the ticket. Now I would not count these speeding tickets against points in states that have a points based dl and I would probably have them at a reduced price unless someone was really breaking the limit. Initially you would get a ton of tickets and then as you modify your behavior the tickets would decrease in frequency.

Now this system could work with old and new cars alike. newer cars would use the gps signal and older cars could be fitted with a trasmitter that uses the radio antennea to transmit a signal to these stations. If you think about this would also take care of the weekend track racer because you would not have speed stations set up at the track. what do you all think?
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Consumers won't let it happen because it's an invasion of privacy.
there's a big ass fight going on here in Phoenix because they are installing photo-radar on the freeways to give tickets to people.
That shit is ridiculous, now people are just going to do 100 down regular city streets because the freeway is going to be a shitpile of brake lights every 1/2mile.
And it supposed to cost some odd billion $, but they 'project' they will make their money back after 3 years or some crap...pfftt... i know people who already plan on laddering on up and borrowing the cameras. :ph34r: