Tips Needed - how to break in a pair of dress shoes.

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Get those wood things that u put in your shoes to keep its form etc... but i think they also help stretch them out a bit 2...
Ok, thanks for the responses.

To all who have suggested I may be a wimp . . . I walked on these for a week straight and they DESTROYED my feet - blisters the size of a quarder on both sides of BOTH my heels (and yes, i had 2x sox on each foot).

I am thinking of placing them in a tray of water for a few and then walking around in em . . .

There is also this shoe repair place near me, not that these need fixing, but maybe they know something we dont.

Vosty, the stretching idea is good too - ill look into that.
if all else fails, try elevating the foot by putting like inserts in them (no, not DR scholls).... i got some sports orthodics that i take out of my normal shoes and put them in my dress ones whenever i have to wear them and i've never had a problem...
what I do is cheat it and take a band aid and place it inside the heal where it won't show. I''ve actually had the same bandaid inside my alfani's for over two years. I put woiuldinserts in them though when I'm not wearing them.
sounds to me like you bought cheap shoes that don't fit well. you shouldn't have this many issues with them.
sounds to me like you bought cheap shoes that don't fit well. you shouldn't have this many issues with them.

Na mang, they were $100 . . . . just something im not used to i guess.

Good ideas from everybody.

Last night i used my hands to manipulate the leather around the heels of the shoes. I think it helped, but my feet need to heal up before I can try wearing em again.
If you bought good quality shoes that were sized right for your feet. then you wont have any problems.

I've yet to try on a pair of high quality shoes (sized for my foot) that didnt feel great,
Shit, my last pair of shoes IMO feel much nicer then my tennis shoes, then again I paid something like $120-$130 for them on sale.