tranny problems..

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Supa Mod
ok.. when i try and back up in my car, .. lets say i'm backing up and i'm about to stop so i just wanna roll back a few more feet, so i press the clutch in.. and when i do so it feels like i hit a brick wall .. i stop immediately.. but if i leave the clutch half way in i can reverse the whole way... why would my car stop so abruptly when i press the clutch all the way in..??
would my clutch do that.. ?? because its only in reverse.. i'm confused.. and its frustrating as hell, i always think i hit something i didnt see...

its kinda hard to get it into first sometimes... no grinds really.. just some occasional ones.. not like it does it all the time..
synchros could be going bad. wobbly spring in the clutch disc. hell anything is possible. start with fluid first. when i drained my fluid for the first time 10 months after i swapped my motor i drained less than a quart. that comes from my sorry ass uncle not putting fluid back into the tranny. can you imagine driving a car for 10 months with EXTREMELY LOW fluid? change it and lets cross our fingers. use snycromesh to mend any damage that might have been done to your synchros. beware, once you start with this stuff you can't go back to Honda MTF.