Tranny Swap

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Is it possible to change a '97 del Sol Si (d16y8) auto to a manual transmission without much stress?

Respectively, how much stress is involved in swapping a tranny of the same model del Sol (but manual) to a 6-speed? (or would this even be advised? should i just go for a gs-r tranny? wtf omg)

Any input would be great. Even "omfg lol u retard!" is acceptable at this point. Thanks.
do research. info like this is Everywhere. here, H-t, many local forums. hell, you could prolly even google it in and find exactly what your looking for.
Yea that's moronic. Seriously.

The only available 6 speed that's somewhat feasible is from a K motor and that's not easy.

Why do you need a 6 speed?

Swap to a 5 speed which is much easier, if you have a D series motor, obviously you're gonna use a D series 5 speed trans, same goes for the B or H.
i skipped past the 6speed part.

it would be hard, and if your willing to put that much effort/work into it, just put a k in it.