Tranny Swap

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Junior Member
I need to swap out the tranny on my 87' Lude Si with the A20A3, i'm just wondering all I have to do is drop my engine, unbolt my tranny, bolt the new one on and stuff it back up in there right???
well that would be the most complex way of doing it yes, and also if u couldnt do it like that how might u think you would have to go about it anyway...but ya that will work not aure about those but you might be able to pull it without pulling the enigine
you can do it either way, but you'd still have to get your axles loose, lift the car, and get everything lined up again. A local body shop did the swap for my buddy, and it cost $400. I have access to badass equipment, so I'd pull the motor and tranny. Swap the trannies on a bench, then put the engine/tranny back in.

Then again, it might be easier the other way. Let me know.